Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

It's Hot and Other Shit

We are about to experience some of the hottest weather of the year so far. Well, for parts of Texas that is. August is always our hottest and because of the heat, it feels like the longest month of the year. Yesterday, David said he met two little guys while he was stopped at a traffic light and they wanted to know where Mount Doom was so they could get rid of some gold ring. They said they were hobbits.

Our plants suffer the worst because the drought season is at its highest too. So I hope that by some freakish weather pattern we get a bit of rain to cool us off and replenish our rain barrels. But that is not going to happen anytime soon so I'm out every two days watering the potted plants. Our trees and roses are all on timers so they get watered also every two days for an hour. The lawn is up for grabs. When the end of October comes, so will the rain, or so we hope. The only thing that will bring rain our way would be a tropical storm. Come on tropical storm, mama needs a full rain barrel, or two.
I finally have my sourdough mix done. It's so nice and bubbly and has that sourdough smell too. But it's too hot to bake the two loaves I wanted so much to bake. I'll just wait for a cooler day or I might bake at night when it's cooler. In the meantime, I cleaned out the fridge yesterday. At least I was cool for a while. I try to clean out the fridge every two weeks but there are times I just can't do it. David puts some weird shit in there. I found a half-eaten sandwich in a baggy that was growing penicillin. How that got past me I'll never know. I really try to keep a clean environment in my kitchen. I hate germs.
Speaking of which, two weeks ago, I was trying to track down an odor that was coming from the kitchen but I couldn't isolate it. It was strange, almost like a dead animal smell. I went through the fridge, nothing. I found it was coming through the pantry area next to the fridge so I threw out the garbage in the can and washed it out. But the smell was still in the pantry. I moved jars and containers of food items and still nothing. WTF!! I couldn't find it. The next morning, I was going to do laundry and I opened the washer lid and gagged. David had thrown his nasty clothes from when he mowed the lawn the day before, which included his rancid socks into the washer without washing them. My Gawd! The man had walked through cat poop in the grass and thought nothing of it to throw his nasty rags into my washer. I wanted to kill him. I immediately put the lid down and threw two washing detergent disks into the washer and set it for a soak and wash.  After I washed the clothes I washed them one more time for good measure then I sanitized the washer. They came out smelling nice. I'll know better next time where to look first. I think I married a child.
Well, the child will be home for lunch soon so I have to go. Y'all have a magical day and stay cool.


The JR said...

Your child has a brother and he's my husband.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am sorry I am laughing at the clothes and cat poop episode!

anne marie in philly said...

david and my husband could be related.

Rain said...

OMG poop and washer thing... been there...also he leaves wet towels in the washer with the lid down. Rancid indeed. I go a little further and wash with hot water, baking soda and vinegar ALONG with the 2 packs of detergent...Children indeed.

Oh I'm one of those summer lovers. When you were talking about August feeling like a long month, all I could think of was January and February where I'm snowed in with cabin fever...I think I'd take hot and humid and unbearable over cold and icy and frigid!!! :)

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I love the "smell this" meme, so true. Every woman tells me her husband is still a ten year old, lol.
We have cooled down but the humidity is high. Unfortunately no rain here either, it was supposed to start last evening but nothing until a few hours ago. Even then it was a sprinkle that dried up. Other places around my area received heavy downpours, we could really use some of that, the place is getting pretty brown looking.

yellowdoggranny said...

I love coming over here and reading of David's latest fuck up..makes me celebrate my being single..haha..sorry David..but you make it so easy..

ellen abbott said...

it cools off at night where you are?! so hot out there today it's like an oven and it's only 8:30 AM. and yay, I'll be working out in the metal shop this week. great timing on my part. I have to water my potted plants every day. should be out there watering the azaleas right now.

myself, I embrace germs. makes my immune system stronger.

pam nash said...

hahahahaha! Honest to god - I used to make MHN undress in the garage for the same reason! Too hot outside to do more than early morning watering and absolutely no end in sight. Come on October!

Magic Love Crow said...

I know it's not funny, but I'm laughing! LOL!
I hope the heat settles down for you!
I wish I could be there when you make your bread! Yummy! Big Hugs!

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