Halloween Countdown

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Friday, August 16, 2019

More Fuckery and Fryday

Yesterday, I let Lucy out the back door to do her thing and I noticed a long skinny twig floating in mid-air just above the steps of the porch. What the shit! What fuckery is this? So I reached up and tugged it down and it was of coarse attached to a spider web. The spider in question is a Golden Orb Weaver. You can tell from the zigzag stitch in the center of the web. 
Anywho, this all started last week when I had an appointment with my knee doctor. When I came home, pulled into the driveway, I saw that this little girl (spider), well she's about as big as my hand, had built a web near the driver's side in the open-air garage. I took a long twig and brought it down so I wouldn't walk into it. She skittered away to live another day and I believe she was pissed because she had worked so hard and her web was so perfect.
SHe's still above the doorway near the steps
When I pulled the floating twig down today it occurred to me that she was telling me, "I know where you live, bitch." She dangled that twig on purpose. Spiders are sneaky I tell ya. They hold grudges. I say Nuke them! Nuke them all from space!
Waiting and watching for David
Today is Fryday. That's what we call it here at home. At lunchtime, David calls MickyDees and places his lunch order so all he does is swing by and picks it up and pays. I allow him only one fast-food lunch a week. If he doesn't get his fix he gets cranky on me. Soooo, daddy comes home with a kids size fries for the dogs and I have to feed them. The minute she hears the pick-up truck's door slam shut, she knows it's Fryday and she does her "I love you daddy but I love fries more" dance. Oh, one of these days I'm going to surprise David on Fryday by dressing Lucy in a little pink tutu and pink booties on her feet. I found a website that has tutus for dogs and the shoes to match too. She's going to be a star someday. She dances so divinely too.
Y'all have a magical weekend.


anne marie in philly said...

I would love to see lucy in a tutu! mc dog chow will kill ya!

The JR said... of Lucy in a tutu please.

Our barn is loaded with spiders. I'd leave them alone, but the dang things gotta go and make their webs where we walk. And, I hate walking into them.

Happy weekend.

ellen abbott said...

I love the big garden spiders. I haven't had one of those for a couple of years but this year I had four or five banana spiders. Minnie does the same dance when it's time for her wet food every day.

Anne in the kitchen said...

We have a fry dog too. Though she is not picky, she also loves broccoli. Now when we eat she sits by the chair and puts her head in our laps waiting (hoping) for a dropped morsel of anything.

pam nash said...

Could be the twig was a sign post - WEB AHEAD. I'd like it if the sky hangers here would do the same so I don't walk into sticky strands every morning.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I know spiders are good to reduce the bug population but I want to second the nuke idea. Oddly enough they love to bite me, I must taste good to spiders, so I never want to get near the bigger ones. Smack!!! Squish!!!

Rain said...

The pups are so funny how they radar in on routines...ours know that when we have fries, they will always get some too! They also know that when mommy comes home from grocery shopping there is definitely a treat for them! Oh I agree about spiders...I just did the heebie jeebie dance looking at that photo!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are you SURE you want to take on that spider in a grudge match?

jaz@octoberfarm said...

uh...bad spider karma! i have bad ant karma here. i just realized that your posts are not showing up on my sidebar...i can't figure out why! that's how i read blogs so sorry that i've been missing your. i'm going to go check now. you must find me awfully rude to not be leaving comments!!! i hope i can fix this!

Bohemian said...

She's a formidable looking Spider, I'd opt out on the grudge match with her! Perhaps she's dangling twigs so you won't walk into them and can more easily spot the Web and leave it alone? Sorry... hadda play the Devil's Advocate on behalf of her, she's working so hard. I'm surprised your Pup loves McD's, I can't even get my Grandkids to eat it!

BBC said...

Nice to see that you are still around.

yellowdoggranny said...

the pagan in me says save the spiders..the crazy redneck says kill all them fuckers..I try to be somewhere in the middle.

Magic Love Crow said...

That spider is scary to me!!! I would love to see Lucy in a pink tutu!! Big Hugs!

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