Halloween Countdown

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Friday, August 9, 2019

Stuff and Thangs

I'm posting late, sorry. I was busy mending and sewing things. The time got away from me as usual. Before I knew it David was home for lunch. Today is laundry day. I do mending if needed, stain soaking, the usual for laundry day. So I'm kinda busy today.
I have a loaf of bread rising and I've already set up cinnamon rolls for the weekend that are in the freezer. When I want them, I'll just have to take them out and let them thaw and rise one last time before baking. David loves the cinnamon rolls that I make. They are buttery, soft, and not so sweet because I use half the confectioners sugar that the frosting recipe calls for and use cream cheese. So yummy.
Tired Lucy with her blanket
Lucy wasn't feeling good yesterday evening. Her tummy was making all kinds of little squeaking and growling noises. It sounded as if she had a lion cub inside her tummy. She didn't eat her dinner and was curled up under the coffee table or laying at my feet. She refused to go outside. I was hearing squeaking noises all day and all night from her tummy. She finally went outside this morning and stayed outside for at least 15 minutes. She came back inside looking happy and she ate her breakfast. Thank goodness she's alright. I was going to take her to the vet to see if she got hold of something bad outside. I'm just glad she's okay now. She's curled up on her pillow on the sofa sleeping soundly and no squeaking. That must have been one big shit she took to make her feel that good again.
Well, I have a load of laundry to fold and bread to put into the oven. Y'all have a magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

that top pix looked like my laundry pile last weekend. glad to hear lucy is ok.

Rain said...

Awww poor Lucy, my Jack's tummy makes those sounds all the time, it mainly happens when he's out in the summer eating a lot of grass. I'm glad she relieved herself! :) She's so cute.

I just saw a recipe for cinnamon rolls and you mentioned I have to make them!!!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Baking is awesome... because I get to eat it after. I made peanut butter cookies just now.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Sound like a busy day and I bet the cinnamon rolls were great. there making my mouth water.
Coffee is on

ellen abbott said...

what is it with dogs? they will eat the nastiest and roll in it too. Minnie found some stinky something and she had it on her from head to tail and boy was she unhappy when I hosed her down before letting her in the house to bathe her.

pam nash said...

Oh yummy - homemade cinnamon rolls -- that can be baked fresh every day. I may have to pick up some yeast next trip to the store!

The JR said...

I'm glad your little girl is better.
Cinnamon rolls sound good.

yellowdoggranny said...

Poor sweet Lucy...

breed I'm telling you..laundry breeds just like coat hangers..but socks commit suicide.

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