Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday and Shit

I would have blogged earlier but I had to clean up a spill in the refrigerator that David made and didn't tell me about. Then we lost power for a couple of hours this morning. Then the power company came by and they were changing out electric meters. Maybe they were behind the lost power? Who knows anymore. Anywho, we are still hitting triple digits on the heat but not until almost 3 pm so I'm safe without power for now. 
David is taking my car to work every day now. Not because the air conditioning is better but because his truck is kaput. He said that if he comes to a stop at the light or stop sign the truck dies. I say it's the fuel pump or the fuel filter. Most likely the pump. He will be driving my car for the next few weeks until next Friday. the garage he takes it to is full up. I like this garage too. They don't try to cheat you. They take good care of their customers. Also, it's only a hop skip and a jump down the street from us. 
So David will have my car for the next few weeks, not that I go anywhere, mind you. It will cut down on the need for bail money though. I'm still looking for a partner in crime. Not taking applications anymore. Too much wasted paper. Everyone has to list their priors and such. So I'm just taking online resumes. As always you have to pay for your own ray gun and I am the only one that gets to wear the cape. Also, I can't offer medical insurance anymore because it's getting too expensive. Yeah, you'll just have to bite the bullet and endure the excruciating pain from falling off tall buildings and such. SO, that's it for today. Until I get the car back, I'm stuck here playing mommy to two adorable little Bostons.
All y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, Leanna, remember Edna Mode's advice -- NO CAPES!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Sound like a hot day. Our high been into the low 90's. A lease you had two rigs. I can remember when a family had only one rig.
Coffee is on

anne marie in philly said...

ain't husbands just the bestest thing ever? NO!

The JR said...

U R a hoot. Sorry to hear about his truck. Stuff always goes to hell in a hand basket at the same time around here.

Take care,

Teacats said...

Yep -- its hot around DFW too. Really envy anybody who might be enjoying cooler almost-Fall weather! Sorry about the truck! Also check the timing in the truck motor - might be choking itself out! As for the spill in the fridge - are you sure the dogs aren't responsible? (LOL!) :)

Jan at Rosemary Cottage

pam nash said...

Partner in crime, hmmmm. I still have my superman suit to be used for good or evil hanging in the closet (I never know when I'll need it) and you can wear the cape! Cars! There must be something better though I don't know what. I'd say, stay cool but with our temps and no AC - perhaps stay out of the sun works.

ellen abbott said...

I see on my sister's blog you bought a morning glory bush. I love mine and they get really big. mine are planted in the ground. they will freeze back but are root hardy and will return. even if it doesn't return you will want to prune it back some in the spring. as I said, they can get really big, tall.

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