Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Just Have to Learn to Pace Myself - then I can go hog wild

I'm tired. I need to learn to pace myself when I wear that TENs unit. Last week Thursday I overdid it and completed the cleaning of the house. I just had so much energy that I was getting antsy. So since I wasn't able to feel the pain per se, I went on a cleaning binge. I also binge cooked and made some Parker House rolls and froze the dough in the Food Saver bags. I also made fried hamburger patties, pork chops, and parboiled assorted veggies and froze them in FS bags after I cooked them. This is all in preparation in case the weather turns bad and I'm having a bad day, so David can boil things in the bags and Voila! Instant meals. I did all this because he is prone to fast food like McDonald's when I don't cook.  To say the least, I paid dearly for it all. I'm still wearing the TENs unit but now I'm only doing one big thing a day. Yesterday I washed linens and blankets. Today will be a day of rest. Then tomorrow I will do something else and rest the day after that. I'll continue to do this stylized pace in order to see if I can adapt without too much downtime.
I had some buzzy guests yesterday. A handful of bees visited my kitchen door. I'm guessing either the queen flew the coop or they got lost. They were all over my screen and glass door. A few came up between the sliding glass panes and got inside the house and then quickly I just let them back out. It was a nice day and not cold at all so they were safe from bad weather. They weren't mean, very docile. Then as quickly as they visited, they left. This has happened before so I'm guessing there are beehives in someone's back yard nearby. 
Well, it's 2:41 a.m. I can't sleep so I'm going to binge-watch something on Netflix. That's if there is anything worthy of my attention. All y'all have a magical day. 


anne marie in philly said...

I love the inserts!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very wise to pace yourself! Have a great day!

The JR said...

This new time change has me all messed up.

I'm glad you are going to pace yourself. And, also happy that the TENS unit is helping you.

pam nash said...

Yes, I'd say the cleaning and cooking all at once was over-doing it. You did, however, get a lot done and off the chore list. Do take care though.

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

A good read and advice. Pace Yourself!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Chocolate chip cookies would be my trap! I thought those were cats at first lol.

Maybe since you were as busy as a bee they thought you were the new queen?

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