Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Impeachment Inquiry and Other Shit

I'm watching the inquiry again today. All of a sudden a butt load of people is coming forth to testify. Amazing isn't it? One thing I do while watching is that I look at the people sitting behind the people testifying and the representatives. It has come to my attention that the aids in the back of the representatives look like knuckle-dragging mouth breathers. I wonder if they are or were ever married, engaged, going to be arrested soon, the usual thoughts. But I'm trying to be good and not talk politics as a rule on my blog. But one item, why is it that Rep. Jim "Jimmy the Pimp" Jordan never wears a suit jacket? So I'll leave y'all there with that thought.
Last week Wednesday I posted the picture above for Wet Dog Wednesday. No one knew what it was about. It is in regard to Melania's "Be Best" campaign. Don't ask me what she means by to be best. It's a stupid campaign considering her husband and the shit he is involved with and the way he conducts himself. SO, the dog has its eyes almost shut and it looks like Melania's eyes, hence the Be Best meme.
Okay. on to other shit. Yesterday, Sears called to cancel the appointment with the repair dude to repair the drier. Now I have to wait around for this guy to show up on Wednesday. I love it! I just really love it! I have shit to do on Wednesday and I have to now change my schedule or wait until Friday. This is one of the reasons why Sears is having so much trouble keeping patrons.
Well. Lucy is at the kitchen door screaming to be let inside again at which time she will be begging to go out in about five minutes. Y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I must confess that I didn't get the "Be Best" meme either. I pay as little attention to Melania Trump as possible.

I hope the repair guy gets to your place early on Wed so you can get your other stuff done!

The JR said...

repair men get on my last nerve.
Sears pissed me off many years ago and I have never been in there since.

anne marie in philly said...

I got the melanoma meme! the dog is better looking than the first whore!

sears called me a pain in the ass in 1979; I never went back. GOOD that they are going outta business.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I'm in Canada so I never heard that Be best campaign. Next year I think it's going to be, "sit girl, sit".

ellen abbott said...

we have a great repair guy out here. don't have to call the store (couldn't anyway since all our appliances came with the house and are decades old. but re the hearings...Sondland is throwing them ALL under the bus and seems almost gleeful doing it. he says there was a quid pro quo and that everybody was in the loop.

pam nash said...

Having to wait on repair people is very high on my "Arrrrrggggghhhhh" list. However, the alternative (no repairs at all) is worse. I think it's just part of the universe's plan to see how much we can deal with before standing in the street screaming!

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