Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas Eve Y'all

Merry Christmas Eve everyone. David got a text from his daughter this morning. They landed in Frankfort Germany yesterday and rented a car. They are on their way to Paris this and doing some minor sightseeing as they go.  I hope they are okay and having fun.
Yesterday, we went to Lowes to get some items to finish up the kitchen renovation. Then we had lunch out. We made a great day of it. We didn't even want to eat dinner after getting stuffed at lunchtime. 
Today I have taken bread dough out of the freezer to let it thaw and rise then I will do some baking along with more cookies that were in the refrigerator overnight thawing from their freeze. I haven't used the mixer yet but I'm thinking of making some brownies later if I have the energy as baking tends to exhaust me into oblivion. No joke there. Last time I baked only three different batches of cookies and I thought I was going to collapse in the kitchen. It was really hard not too. I slept all night and most of the next morning. Then when I woke up I felt like a truck ran over me backed up and ran over me again and again. I was still exhausted and hurting. Lupus doesn't forgive you if you think you can trick it into thinking you can do things that you used to do with ease.
Last night, I must have finally succumbed to all the running around that we did yesterday because I couldn't stay up to watch a movie I wanted to watch on Netflix. I was bone tired. Today, I am doing absolutely almost nothing except baking a log of cookies and a loaf of bread for tomorrow and then I'm going to read or watch that movie. It's going to be a quiet day for us.
Y'all have a magical day.


Rain said...

I love that Lowes photo lol! That's great. Leanna, have a great Christmas! Happy belated Yule! I'm so happy you and I met on blogland, it's been fun reading your blog and getting to know you! xxx

yellowdoggranny said...

happy yule my friend...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have a wonderful, relaxing and healthy Christmas, both of you!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

have a wonderful xmas!!!

anne marie in philly said...

spouse & I are resting too. it's quiet.

Laura said...

happy holidays to you and yours

The JR said...

That new mixer is gonna make it easier on you. So I hope you won't be so tired and exhausted baking now.

pam nash said...

Take care. Relax and read - that's the thing to do!

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