Halloween Countdown

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Monday, December 30, 2019


Nothing much happening lately. This morning I woke up and Lucy was laying next to me staring at me and chattering. I did a bad thing of saying it was so cute that she chattered like that and I told/showed her chattering to David and now she just does it to hear us make over her like she's cold when it's 75 degrees in the house and it's warm outside. That little girl loves attention. So yeah, she does it all the time now. She just won't let us record her doing it.
#1. She hates any recording device
#2. She hates cameras. So, there is no taking movies of her doing it.
So I can only get a Youtube video of someone else's dog doing it to give you an idea of what it sounds like. When Lucy does it, she doesn't make it sound that loud and for some reason, it's just plain cute. She does it to get my attention most of the time. Believe me, she isn't cold or scared.
It's been so quiet around here. I sit most of the time reading unless it's overcast then I go out to walk with Lucy. Today it's very nice and sunny. Since the sun is on the other side of the house I'm going to go out front and putter around.
David asked me to make more Christmas cookies because he finished off all the oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies. Not a bad idea because I get to use the new mixer. Oatmeal raisin cookies always take so much out of me and I used to have to ask David to stir them for me. Maybe I'll make some later. I really want to make some raisin bread for breakfast tomorrow. I love raisin bread toast.
Right now I heard some rustling on the side of the house and I have to go help David free up a stupid squirrel that is stuck in our drainpipe. It might have chewed through the mesh shield David put up there. We have mesh shields at the top of the rain spout drain pipes and at the bottom so animals like squirrels can't get into the rain spouts. We used to have to take the spouts apart because squirrels were getting stuck in there every day and they would die. We have the shields at both ends but they still chew through them. There is no room for them to turn around and they will just continue to scratch and do what they can to get out but there is no exit. So we have to go take the pipe apart and let them out and then replace the screen shield. It happens every year about this time. Squirrels are such stupid distructive animals.
Well, y'all have a magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

here it's raining and 46F outside, 75F and dry inside. raisin bread toast - YUM!

The JR said...

I guess that's where they get the term squirrely from.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That mixer is going to be such a labour-saving device for you!

Valerie said...

Thank you for the laughs! Happy New Year to you!

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