Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Religion in a Nutshell


anne marie in philly said...

yeah, they are being persecuted, all right. and silenced. SHUN THEM ALL!

ellen abbott said...

same as it's always been. giant cathedrals full of gold and fancy while 90% of the believers struggle to eat every day. I saw one news blurb that the Vatican was having to use money donated for the poor to pay their bills because god forbid they sell off some of those treasures.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

we live in a crazy upside down world!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's long since time to abolish tax exemptions for religions of any stripe.

Infidel753 said...

Ellen Abbott: You may be thinking of the latest scandal surrounding "Peter's Pence", a Vatican charity which collects donations to (supposedly) help the poor. It turns out that members of the hierarchy have been siphoning off hundreds of millions for their own use, real-estate investments, and suchlike. Only a small fraction of the money actually gets spent on charitable purposes.

The Vatican has long been massively financially corrupt. It just tends to get overlooked because other scandals are even more serious, such as the endless child-molestation cover-ups.

Rain said...

Pagans rock, that's my retort!
Actually I was watching a Simpsons episode the other night when Homer blew up the church and the only way they could afford to rebuild it was to slather it with advertising and marketing, it was quite comical!

Magic Love Crow said...

Sad but true!!

yellowdoggranny said...

I despise them.

Ol'Buzzard said...

People in cults don't recognize them as cults
the Ol'Buzzard

pam nash said...

We also live in a country where there are thousands of homeless, where families struggle below the poverty level, and where "religious leaders" live in mansions. Sad. Wrong.

Buttermilk Sky said...

I'm starting to think I paid too much for these indulgences...

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