Halloween Countdown

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Yule Presents so Far

Saturday, David was going to give me the Death Wish coffee for my first Yule present but the coffee came in the mail on Thursday evening. Much earlier than anticipated and I opened the box before he could steal it away. So he officially let that go for Saturday. On Sunday he made me cry big baby tears. He gave me this -
Yes! A 4.5 Kitchenaid mixer! I have been wanting one since we got married but could never afford to buy it because well, all my surgeries on my knees and back took everything I had saved up. So now that we are able to save again he went and got me my dream mixer. Yeah, I'm strange. I cried big fat baby tears and just couldn't stop. Most wives and girlfriends want diamonds for Christmas but I want stuff like nice mixers, vacuums and things for the house. What can I say, I'm crazy like that. 
I told him no more big presents. Please, just little inexpensive things for a change. So this morning he gave me a pill cutter for my third present. Which I dearly needed and it works just fine. I've been cutting my blood pressure pills with a knife and it makes a big mess. So this made me very happy. Yeah, I'm easy to please too.
This morning marks the first weekday that David is off from work for the holidays so we are going out for some book shopping, pick up a few little things for finishing the kitchen repairs and then some lunch. So, I need to go change and do up my hair or he'll be yelling for me to shake a leg soon. Y'all have a magical day. 


nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

What a gift!! I surely would cry big baby tears too.
Be sure you mix up something nice and tasty for him. And put lots of sugary sweetness in whatever you make.

Laura said...

I understand the joy of the Kitchen-Aid Mixer! I received one several years ago after begging for years. I love it sooooo much!

Happy Holidays

ellen abbott said...

if I was into cooking I'd be thrilled with that too. and no diamonds for me please. where the fuck would I wear them? digging in the flower beds? grinding off excess glass in the shop? just not into personal adornment for the most part.

anne marie in philly said...

oooooooooooooooooh, you are a lucky girl indeed! what's the first thing you are going to make with your new mixer? I have 2 pill splitters and love them both.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Yes but Wal-Mart can be a scary place too!

Glad your tears were happy tears!

Magic Love Crow said...

Awww, so precious! I love your gifts! I love your happy tears!!! Enjoy everything!! Big Hugs and Happy Yule!

The JR said...

What a great present. You have a sweet husband there. A real keeper.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, the baking you'll do now with that beautiful new mixer! Sounds like you're having a wonderful holiday season so far! Best wishes to you and David and the pups!

Anne in the kitchen said...

You are going to love the mixer. I am like you and tend to lean toward the practical!

yellowdoggranny said...

my son bought me mine about 6 years ago..I still smile real big every time I use it..he got me the pasta part that goes with it..and next I want the sausage maker..merry and happy yule my friend..

pam nash said...

VERY nice mixer! hmmmmmmm - how far away are you from me??? Probably to far for a "drop-in" on baking day!

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