Halloween Countdown

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I am posting this video because I'm hoping to get the message across that we already know he won't be impeached because the GOP Senate is complicit. We, as the people of the United States of America, need to stand up and vote him out in November. We can't keep him in the White House to rape our country for another four years. Don't say you won't vote because your voice isn't heard. That's a stupid excuse for stupid people. Get registered, vote him out before there is no more America left for us.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

That was a very powerful speech, yes their names will be tied to him forever now in history.

I don't know how you can fight this, the democrats are making the mistake in believing that people don't know all this. The people who support him know about everything he has done and are totally okay with it, that's what you are up against unfortunately.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

my hope is with the young people in america! they see him for what he is and they know what they want for their future in this country. i am hoping to see them, people of color and humans with brains vote this monster out of our lives. then he can crawl back into the hole he came from and rot.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

May history condemn every Senator who votes to acquit in this kangaroo court of a trial.

anne marie in philly said...

FUCK YEAH! we need to SPEAK OUT LOUD AND VOTE, like fred guttenberg did last night! FUCK THE DUMP! FUCK THE GOPricks! FUCK THE TRAITORS!

ellen abbott said...

it's astonishing how much damage he's done in just three years.

Infidel753 said...

Don't say you won't vote because your voice isn't heard. That's a stupid excuse for stupid people.

"Don't vote -- your voice isn't heard. Don't vote -- both parties are alike. Don't vote -- the Democratic nominee isn't the candidate you favored. Vote for a third candidate who's more 'pure', never mind the fact that it makes the Republican more likely to win."

Those are the ways the Republicans want you to think, and with good reason. They win because their voters don't fall for such deceptions, and do vote. In the next nine months we'll hear many voices pushing such slogans. Remember that those voices always have an agenda, and that the majority of them ultimately originate from Republican strategists -- or from Moscow.

pam nash said...

We all knew the senate would not convict but it was still so disappointing to hear the news yesterday.

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