Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

And The Bashing Continues

Yet another thunderstorm that came in from Mexico, which is due west of us. This one is a bit smaller but we did lose power and internet again for a brief few seconds. It's like a nightly deal where we get a big enough thunderstorm to knock things out and scare the shit out of little dogs. Lucy is panting next to me on the couch trying to climb up my body to my head. Somehow it makes her feel better but after a few stern NOs she will go hide under the side table and the house will vibrate, not from the thunder but from a little dog that hates storms. It's funny that she can vibrate the house like that. Well, at least my area of it.
I felt a bit better from the lupus that slammed me five days ago. I have to say that I can go weeks before it comes back but when it does it pulls the floor out from under me and the aches are monumental when it comes to pain. You feel like someone has beat you up with a baseball bat and then comes back to try to finish the bashing later when you least expect it. I was taking a shower and I nearly doubled over in pain. It was so bad that I needed David to help me out and help dry me. My arms just couldn't respond to do anything but hurt. And my shoulders felt as if some 200 lb goblin was sitting on me and wouldn't get off. Thank goodness the pain has resided a bit. At least I was able to make dinner and do a load of laundry.
Since David has been forcibly retired, he has been doing a lot of phoning to government agencies and insurance companies. He extended my insurance for the next four months through what I think is Cobra? I'm not old enough to get Medicare Part A yet. I'll be eligible in September so I have to wait. I do have Part B though. So the Cobra will cover me for my doctor visits until then.  

He has also been busy around the house while I've been laid up with the pain. He tried mowing the lawn yesterday but was stopped by a sudden freak thunderstorm. I had to laugh because Mother Nature has been impeding his efforts in fixing up the house and mowing the lawn. So the yard looks strangely half cut. He has been painting the trellis posts of the front porch every morning for the past few mornings before the sun comes out. Our front porch faces east so it blazes with the morning sun. It gets really hot out there. He has, I think the other side or outer posts of the trellis to finish and then he can mark that job off as done. Yeah, he has made an actual "To Do" list that is on his laptop. Every few days he marks something as done. 
Friday he insect bombed the Man Cave out back and then cleaned it out and got it back to a manageable order where he could find things. He has really neglected the Cave God while he worked at the office but now he has time and he spends it outside getting things in order again. The Man Cave God is pleased. 
Well, I am going to try to plug in my other heating pad to put on my shoulders and wrap one around my right arm. The aches are coming back again with a vengeance. So I'll watch something on Demand on the cable and listen to the rain then go back to sleep if this shit lets me. Y'all have a magical safe day.


anne marie in philly said...

will david ever be able to go back to work? we are being released from lockdown on june 5 per our gov.

The JR said...

I woke up at 3 am with a leg cramp from hell. I had to get the hubby to rub it with theraworx. It caught one more time, then I was okay so far.

Your kind of pain sounds like a continuous leg cramp............and I know those suck bad.

pam nash said...

I hope the 200 lb bat wielding goblin leaves you soon and you feel much better quickly. Positive thoughts sending. PS I had to copy the 'Temple' meme - it made me laugh out loud. I think it's about me!

ellen abbott said...

David was forcibly retired or just furloughed? we've got just about all the home improvement stuff done on this house. the last thing that needs to be doen is repairing the sheetrock on the ceiling in the kitchen and dining area where a bad patch is getting worse and the drip pan from the old AC stopped up and leaked out. little dogs and storms. apparently we had a storm last night too. I remember Minnie being panicky for a short while but do not remember the storm. two sleepless nights in a row were enough for me I guess.

Bohemian said...

I do Hope you get some relief, remain Safe from the Virus and just ignore some of the half done shit. Right now we've got the Yard mowed except under the Granddaughters Trampoline since the Guys didn't have energy to move it the day the Grass got cut... so there is a Fairie Circle... well, that's what I'm calling it. *Winks*

Leanna said...

Anne and Ellen - David was let go, retired, furloughed, whatever, he is not going to be going back. He wants to go work at a local gas/small grocer. He did that during high school and loved working at a small grocery store. But I said to just retire and love it. So yeah, he is has been forced into retirement and I want him to just relax but he doesn't know how to do that. He has asked me to keep him busy so I have been busy keeping him busy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A newsy post but OMG that pain! I hope you recover soon. I stole the "temple" meme, lol.

yellowdoggranny said...

i went to get my new hearing aids and stopped at my son and daughter in law to bullshit with her..they are about 17 miles from us in west..after i got home she called me and said their back yard is covered in white..hail every I go out and drag all my pots in and its raining a hail for us and now the sun is to love it.

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