Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, June 25, 2020

2020/Spring 2021 Disaster Schedule

I found the 2020/Spring 2021 Disaster Schedule.
Yeah! For reals! I did!
I can't wait until September. Shits gonna get real!


The JR said...

yes, we are doomed :)

ellen abbott said...

I'm hanging on til Avengers 5 comes out.

anne marie in philly said...

bwhahahahahahahaha! I don't see satan mentioned anywhere on that list. and the giant cicadas are coming next month up here. don't know whether they eat humans or not.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I can hardly wait for Avengers 5, LOL!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

the browns are inline to win the Superbowl and then the season is canceled. and then they have to change their name!

Morgaine Pendragon said...

Shouldn't Aliens invading be in July?
I mean, Independence Day and all.

Either way, I don't doubt they'll show up sooner or later lol

Panty Buns said...

Eek! The planet of the Apes is upon us - and for all we know their geriatric orange turd leader may very well be eating humans in the White House in between its prolonged semi-futile face-spackle, makeup, hair-gluing, hair-dye, and diaper-changing sessions.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sounds about right.

yellowdoggranny said...

wait..there is an avengers 4? crap

pam nash said...

Well - those sound like truths for the coming months. I'd laugh but I think it just might happen like that! haha.

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