Halloween Countdown

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Monday, September 7, 2020


Not too much happening around here. There is a cold front approaching Texas. In my area, the temperatures will be cooling down into the 80's but sadly, it's only for a week. We will continue with rainstorms off and on also. Lately, I haven't been feeling up to par. Lupus is trying to drag me down again. Last week I thought I was starting to feel better but with all this wet weather lately, it's been tearing me down really hard. I spent the last two days in bed because it hurts to walk. Today the weather is supposed to be warm and sunny. I'm up and I actually walked without too much pain. I dread tomorrow when the rain returns. I'm hoping against the wet weather to make it outside for a while even though I should stay out of the sun. Crossing my fingers.

I have some laundry going this morning. I'm hoping I can get two loads done. I also cleaned out the refrigerator. David puts the strangest things in it. I found a screwdriver that he has been looking for in the veggie bin. Yeah, WTF! I think he was rummaging around in there looking for a lite snack and put the screwdriver down to pick up something else. I asked him if he was missing anything else that I should be on the lookout for while I was cleaning. He said he was missing his set of allen wrenches.

If all y'all will notice on the side panel of my blog there is a countdown ticker for David and my anniversary. Wow! 18 years fly by so quickly. Hopefully, we will make it to 20. All I want to do right now is try to survive 2020.

I heard the dry duzzer screaming my name. Time to get back to work. Y'all have a safe magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

the allen wrenches are probably in the bathroom. just because.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I gave you a shout-out on my blog!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That tiara meme cracked me up!

dindin said...

sorry to ask, but is there a treatment for lupus that would help? i've never known anyone with the disease. thanks. a dripping springs reader!

ellen abbott said...

that tease of cooler weather this week turned out to be just that...a tease. whatever it is or was will no longer be making it's way this far south.

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