Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Religion in a Nutshell

 Debra over at She Who Seeks sent this gem to me and I couldn't refuse. It really shows the stupidity of some religious Americans.


Infidel753 said...

The mind reels. It can't be easy to attain such stygian depths of ignorance.

anne marie in philly said...

jeebus was american? WHO KNEW! what a dumbass fucktard!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Sweaty" is what got me, LOL!

bobbie said...

Ye gawds and little fishes!!

You can't cure stupid!

Mike said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, LOOK IT UP! Where? In Grimm's fairy tales?

ellen abbott said...

OMG! wrong on both counts.

pam nash said...

And obviously 'red line' has never even read the bible, much less any history. I would really like someone to say this is a joke and there isn't such a stupid person walking around or, god forbid, driving a car.

Marcia LaRue said...

OMG ... that is beyond ridiculous ... I LOVE it!
Well, and, you know ... Jesus is white, too!

Bohemian said...

I think they shouldn't have scribbled out the Idiot's Identity, that is shit that needs to go Viral and be fully 'Owned'! *LMAO*

yellowdoggranny said...

judas fucking priest

Ol'Buzzard said...

I hate to lay it on Texas; but a lot of the ignorance comes from the influence that Texas fundamentalist had on school text book content. That was the beginning of the dumbing down of American society.
the Ol'Buzzard

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