Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Tonight is Krampusnacht, oh the fun that's about to take place.

We can only hope he doesn't forget the
evil man-child in the White House

These guys look as if they're about to drop their
2020 acid rock album


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great minds think alike! You found some super memes! My fave is the first one, of course!

Mike said...

I heard Krampus is made out of cheese.

anne marie in philly said...

YASSSSSSSSS to your first comment and to your last comment!

River said...

I vaguely remember my mum telling us about a punishing man, but she cleaned it up for us, apparently we were to put a shoe on the windowsill as we went to bed on Dec 5th and next morning if there were lollies (sweets, candy) in the shoes we knew we had been seen as 'good' children, while bad children had empty shoes.

JFM said...

Trump would fit right in!!!

yellowdoggranny said...

I need to show these to the gg's..hahahahah

Magic Love Crow said...

Go Krampus go! LOL!

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