Halloween Countdown

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Monday, January 4, 2021

It's a Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful cool day here in my neck of the nation. Sunny and quiet. All the kids are back in school online. In two days' time, the weather will change and we'll have crappy cold rain again. UGH!
Yesterday, David and I conquered the courtyard and cut back the rosemary because I had let it get out of hand during the past 10 years. It was a mess. We chopped it down to nearly the stump. I've done it before and it will come back with a vengeance. We found a couple of wasp nests hidden inside it. So glad we didn't do this in the summer.

Close up view.
A close-up view. The nest looks to be about a foot tall.

The normal view, as you can see is up near the top of the tree.

We noticed that the beehive up near the top of a neighbor's tree is buzzing with activity. We never noticed it before because the hive was hidden by the tree's leaves. The sucker is huge. David took pictures of it with his phone and by all accounts, it would be a Mexican Wasp Hive. David said he has never seen one before until now. We can't do anything about it because it isn't our tree and it's not in our yard. Our two neighbors will have to fight about it if they choose to do so.
Other than that, I had a fairly quiet time at Casa de Loco. I did spend some time in bed but that's usual for me lately. No big thing.

Lucy scared the shit out of me last week. She waits for the mail truck to deliver our mail and then she runs blindly through the house looking for David so he can go take her outside with him to go get it. Well. she waited and then took off running for David but she never got there. She ran into the hall door jam and when she did she let out the loudest yipe. I instantly went looking for her and she was in the hallway with her head turned to one side. She had hit the door jam nearly head-on and I picked her up and started to console her. Poor babygirl was crying because I could see the tears. She didn't go out with David but stayed with me on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. It was clear she was hurting for a while and then milking it for all it was worth from mommy. Yeah, so what. I'm a doggy mom, big deal. I'm entitled to dote on the little girl.
Well, I have vacuuming to get to and I'm making a casserole today for dinner so I better get to it. All y'all have a safe and magical day and please wear a mask.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good memes! Poor little Lucy -- glad she didn't knock herself out!

anne marie in philly said...

those nests are scary. poor lucy; I hope she is feeling better and the accident didn't leave a lump. HNY to all at your house!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no...poor baby. did she have a bump on her bean?

yellowdoggranny said...

oh poor baby...My first mother in law had a little yippy dog (that hated me)and she got her front paw hurt and they gave her ice cream to make her feel better. after that all you had to do was say ice cream and she'd start hobbling..
that's a big damn nest...yeah, bracing myself for the crappy rainy weather too.

Mike said...

Ouch! That's like the time I forgot how close I was to the overhanging kitchen cabinet when I stood up. Ouch!

How about a few shots from a BB gun at the nest? Just to get things moving. I wouldn't want to be around when that thing fell for whatever reason.

River said...

Poor Lucy, I hope she is more careful now running through doorways.

ellen abbott said...

We've been having pretty days here too. the birds are starting to sound like they think it's spring.

poor Lucy.

I have a rosemary bush that I just plonked down in a pot because I couldn't decide where to put it and it just planted itself. I'm not really happy about where it is but what ya gonna do? they don't like being transplanted my sister says.

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