Halloween Countdown

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Monday, January 11, 2021

It's Monday Fuckers Time to Wake Up!

Hey, y'all. I do hope y'all are doing fine today. We had a very wet rainy day yesterday. What we call soup and grilled cheese sandwich weather. There were a few instances of chunky rain and then snow but it never stuck. This morning it's fucking cold and the sun is trying to warm us up and dry us out a bit. Fat chance. It will be in the low 40's all day.

Last week, I really don't need to remind all y'all that it was a trump fiasco of sorts. A few people lost their lives and the blood of these people is on the hands of that coward in the White House. He should be put on trial and do time for putting everyone in danger. He instigated this shit. He should pay for it, severely. In my book trump doesn't just deserve impeachment, he deserves to face jail time.
On to better shit. I've been baking my heart out over the past three days. I made two poppy seed loaves. One lemon and the other orange. Also four loaves of bread and an apple pie, and a pineapple upside-down cake. I had the baking bug bite my ass something terrible. Most of what I baked, I gave away to neighbors. I kept the cake for ourselves. Other than that I made a humongous pot of chicken noodle soup for dinner on Sunday and yes I made grilled cheese sammies. Really good comfort food.

Well, I have an appointment to get ready for. Pain doctor time again. So all y'all have a magical day, stay safe, and wear a mask.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i'm horrified of what is yet to come.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmmm, all your baking sounds absolutely delicious! The soup, too. Maybe I'll have soup for lunch. Thanks for the inspiration!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Back at you - have a good day
the Ol'Buzzard

anne marie in philly said...

your weather and mine match. and what a baking/cooking spree!

Mike said...

"A few people lost their lives..."
Let's not forget the 380,000, soon to be 700,000+, that COVID19 has killed thanks to tRUMP.

And now I can't remember who's blog I got the following from. I posted it on Facebook after the rally speech. But this could be posted EVERY day.

From a blogger friend...
"Trump issued a statement yesterday that was as real as the furry thing he glues to his head and the orange glaze on his face."

River said...

It's been far too long since I baked anything other than veggies, I'm staying off the sweet stuff as much as possible as I have a sugar test coming up next month to determine if I am at risk of diabetes. After that, if I pass, I'll be baking an apple pie to celebrate!
I'm ignoring the news while hoping Trump faces trial and has to pay for his misdeeds.

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry for what has happened in your country!
All your baking has made me hungry! You are a baking machine! Big Hugs!

yellowdoggranny said...

I made chicken noodle soup too and 2 batches of banana bread. think I'll make some whole wheat bread too..the weather is weird..warm, cold, snow, rain and warm again..feck

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