Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It's Tacky Tuesday . . . everybody dance nekked


Yeah, here in Texas the weather is like that too. One minute chunky rain, the next it's sunny and 12,000 F and we're melting into the pavement. So this morning It's like 35F, cold as fuck and I'm wondering why the hell am I up at 4:30 in the morning. Oh yeah, because Lucy is doing a pee-pee dance for my viewing pleasure. So I let her out and turn up the heat just a tad because, yeah, it's cold as fuck and then some. I let Lucy back in because she's sitting patiently waiting for me to open the door. Poor babygirl shivers all the way back towards the bedroom pausing in the hallway because the wall heater is blowing nice hot air down to the floor and it's seeping into the other rooms of the house. But yeassssss the heat right there is sooooo nice. I look down at her and I swear that she's smiling with her eyes closed as she takes in the warmth. I trudge back to bed and Lucy pads behind me and as we get into bed the heater clicks off. Well, that was well-timed.
But I can't go back to sleep because today is the day to call for one of the few 5000 Covid vaccine appointments to be doled out here in town. They will be taking appointments at 9am. I get up, change and make myself a slice of peanut butter toast and a glass of cherry/cranberry juice. David feeds Lucy and we both get ready to storm the Bastile so to speak in 4 hours. I get the phone ready with the phone number on auto-dial and he gets his laptop ready. 8:59am comes and I'm already auto-dialing the number over and over again to get an appointment. Busy, always busy. David shouts BULLSHIT! It's only 3 seconds into the onslaught and he says that the appointment slots are all filled online. How is that possible? What the fuck. It appears as if there were no slots to begin with. How did this happen? Were these slots sweathearted? Meaning they were most likely given away to relatives and or friends of those involved with the sign-up. I'm continuing on my end to call and I ask David to do the same on his cell phone. It's almost 9:30 and still nothing but busy signals and once in a while there is a ringing but then immediately it changes to a busy signal. David has given up, so have I. We both kept dialing until 10:30 and it was busy every time we tried. We will try again the next time that we hear about openings. We will get the chance eventually. Maybe. Like in 30 years. Maybe.
Now David is busy looking for old photographs of his uncle's house. Anna has asked for them to show her husband. David's uncle was an avid hunter. He used to hunt big game in Africa when it was still glamorous to do so back in the 1940s and '50s and the inside of their house was like a fucking big game museum. David has pictures of the inside of the house before it burned down to the ground but we can't seem to locate them. Yesterday, we tore through the storage bins of holiday stuff in my side closet, no luck. Today we found a bin full of pictures he showed me when we were first married and I was going through stuff to put in safekeeping. I have been looking for all these pictures for so long and I never knew he put them inside a bin in his closet way in the back. I'm going to put them all in frames and hang them in the TV room. They need to be up. 
I just heard David cussing and fussing again. My guess there is something he dropped and broke because there was a little sound of glass breaking. Most likely he dropped one of the frames from the pile of pictures. I have to go see what the damage is. Y'all have a safe magical day and please wear a mask.


anne marie in philly said...

spouse and I are on our county vaccine list; we signed up online. who knows when it will be our turn to get the shot.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

my husband got his shot today...i get mine next week and both kids are scheduled! woohoo! progress!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, something super fishy about that vaccination sign-up process!

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry about the vaccine! Crossing fingers for you, that it will be soon!!! Big Hugs!

Ol'Buzzard said...

We have decades of pictures of our life together and honestly no one cares except ourselves. It is like watching someone's video of their vacation.

Two days ago the temps here were minus seven with a twenty mile and hour wind, Yesterday we got two feet of snow. I dug out once, but was plowed back in, so have to do it again this morning. Also will have to rake off the roof.
I love Maine.
the Ol'Buzzard

pam nash said...

I feel lucky to have gotten the first shot and getting the 2nd one this Sunday. Hope you and David will get an appointment very soon (sending positive thoughts). Sometimes I think cats are a better option than dogs - don't wake me up to go outside. However perhaps not as they do wake me up with FIX BREAKFAST, PETTY HUMAN.

yellowdoggranny said...

my dr put me on the list and it came up last week, but I'm waiting till after my mri and find out if have to have surgery..grrrr

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