Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wet Cat Wednesday - Christmas Edition



Her Royal Highness said...

I am Her Royal Highness the Cat and I approve this post.

Vivian Swift said...

Dropping by today to catch up...Sorry to read that your lupus is acting up and making your solstice week a torture. That's not right. But rejoice in the gathering of the light, right? Can a glass of prosecco add to the sparkle?

BTW, do you know what's up with JackieSue over at YellowDog Granny? She's disappeared from the ether and I am concerned. What evil spirits are afoot if they hit you AND the Muse of Texas in the same week? I'm worried. I need good omens this year.

yellowdoggranny said...

who doesnt love cat memes with xmas trees.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your memes with cat and dog humor. Hope the new pups are doing well. Rest up. From the previous post, I agree that boxing-day treats or New Year treats will be greatly appreciated by your recipients.

And like Vivian, I too am concerned about YellowDog Granny. If you can post a comment if she is well and just decided to close shop?

M in NC

Magaly Guerrero said...

The last one is just adorable. And I love the unsettling tones of the one with the cats waiting on the stairs, lol!

Happiest Holiday Season to you and yours, Leanna!

JustGail said...

Part of my few decorations is a vintage Golden book called "The Cat That Climbed the Christmas Tree". Displayed under a tree because where else should it be?

Rain said...

OMG The last photo is awesome!!! Wishing you Happy Holidays Leanna!!! ♥♥🎄

The Blog Fodder said...

Love the cats and Christmas tree memes. Hope you had a good christmas and all the best in 2022

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