Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Religion in a Nutshell



ellen abbott said...

Fucking idiots. But not new. It's just theater for the cult members, something they do to make themselves feel superior and righteous. I remember when they burned Beatles albums. And it's not as if they purged those books or records from the world.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ignorant assholes.

pam nash said...

Idiots. They've learned nothing from history. It scares me more than I like to admit.

Mike said...

We had a book burner church in central Missouri. They even burned bibles that were not the king james version. The town stopped them with EPA regulations.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Stupid fucking Christians.
there is no hope as long as religion holds sway
the Ol'Buzzard

yellowdoggranny said...

judas fucking priest

The Blog Fodder said...

Is anyone paying attention to where this is going?

Shannon said...

I just wrote about this exact thing. How people can cry 'Nazi!' when asked to wear a mask in a store, then act like actual Nazis doing things actual Nazis did...the cognitive dissonance is deadening.

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