Halloween Countdown

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Friday, November 18, 2022

Hey Y'all!


Finally! I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to even breathe. To start off, David's fishing trip was said to be so-so. For one thing, they didn't catch much in the way of fish. David's daughter, Anna caught the first fish. She had a ball and wants to do it again but only when it's warmer. David caught a Black Drum and a Red. He said it was slim pickings because the wind was blowing the water out of the bay and the fish went with it. Saturday they stayed out fishing until around 10:30pm. He came home with a bad cold. He tested negative for Covid so I'm happy with that. So far I have avoided his cold by wearing a mask around him and I'm sleeping in the living room. Which is fine because I stay up most of the night with my back pain anyways. 

It's been cold and we have turned on the space heaters because it's cheaper than the furnace. We can turn on the heaters only when we are in the room so it saves us money. They also heat more efficiently than the furnace does. So there's that too.

I have to cut this short. I have to go grocery shopping. Just a few things for baking. I ran out of eggs while making cowboy cookies. So I need to get a couple dozen. I have three cheesecakes to make before Thanksgiving for my neighbors. I better get going. Y'all stay safe and have a magical day. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry to hear that David didn't catch a lot of fish. I hope next time they go in the summer when it's warmer. Wow, you're a baking machine with those cheesecakes! Have fun!

Becks said...

Sorry to hear the fishing trip was a bit of a bust. But- happy he is covid free and you are avoiding infection. Hope your streaming binge was more satifying!

You have a crazy amount of baking to do- good luck with that- try not to overdo it lady. I'll be thinking of you during this cold snap.

Anonymous said...

Nah, man. Boneless chicken.


Mike said...

I just ordered Thanksgiving dinner from the grocery store. Now I need to figure out how to get them to deliver it.

River said...

Had to laugh at the wind blowing the water out of the bay and taking the fish with it.
Mmm, cheesecakes.

ellen abbott said...

I guess three fish is better than none. And yeah, when it's warmer. We turn the heat on during the day but keep it at 65˚ and turn it off when we go to bed, use space heaters during the day where we are sitting to boost the heat. Raining here today, supposed to rain all day.

yellowdoggranny said...

catching one fish counts as having a good fishing trip

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