
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pictures Pictures Pictures

I have promised pictures from my new camera so here they are. First off, to Nydia at Bringing Up Salamanders. I promised her pictures of my goddess Gaia. Here she is on my alter with the flowers. I added the oak leaves for Mabon. I also have a real Amber heart in the center of my platen.

The next ones are for Judith over at Merlin's Magical Mistress. I promised her a picture of the pretty second place prize from her contest. I added the cord necklace and it looks just grand. I have it resting on top of my Book of Shadows. Yes it's got a real leather cover. I have also pictures of my BOS for you all to see.


  1. Cool spell book. Does it include any spells to turn an asshole boyfriend into a nice one again? Cuz I need that.

  2. that's the nicest alter I've seen in ages!!!!!! pretty!

  3. Thanks hun, I'm kind of a neat freak.

  4. That's an amazing BOS. Did you print out the articles and have it bound?

  5. Wow, your Gaia, is so beautiful and delicate! I love how She holds the Earth in Her arms, gorgeous on your altar!

    And I'm drooling at your BOS, it makes mine look so humble, lol! The pendant is fantastic too.

    Thanks for sharing, dear, I loved everything!

    Kisses and hugs from us.

  6. Your Gaia is by far the most beautiful one I have seen.

  7. Thank you all so much for the compliments on my Goddess statue. When I saw her online I felt I had to get her. It just called to me. I love the way she holds the earth... just like a baby.

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your dream is to have a Grimoire from day!

    Such gorgeous photos!

    Oh--and I added your button to Hedgewitch Hollow in the "Places to Visit" area! :) I think more people need to check it out!
