Halloween Countdown

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Practical Magic

Back in May of 2002,  I was in my back yard in El Paso, Texas. It was a full moon that night. I was off for a few days from work. I was reflecting on my past. Wishing I hadn't waited so long to find someone in my life to spend my days and nights with. My job came first and I was not dating anyone. I was lonely and very unhappy. I wanted to find my dream man.

I had seen Practical Magic on DVD.  I loved that movie. It is the ultimate chick flick. I remembered a scene out of it when Sally is performing the Amas Veritas, true love spell. I thought I would do it. As I walked through my mom's garden picking different petals off of flowers, I asked for these qualities.

1. He must have a great sense of humor.

2. He must be a Renaissance man, able to do anything he sets his mind to.

3. He must be of good standing in his community.

4. He must possess an open mind and not judge harshly.

5. He will have green eyes

6. And light brown hair.

7. Be of tall stature

8. Be gentle and kind

9. Love animals

10. Be able to love me for me and nothing else

Then a strong wind came up as they always do in Northeast El Paso and I threw the flower petals in the wind.

I had been talking to David on line in a  room with other friends. I never saw him face to face. He was always going off to other rooms to play with his other friends. One night when we were online we started talking about ourselves,besides the usual basketball and topics of the day.  I learned from a mutual friend of ours that David secretly wanted to meet me. She told me that she and David would meet to have lunch on Sundays in Austin. All he ever talked about was Kitten this(my nickname), Kitten that. She said that if I didn't meet him soon he might just bust a gut or something. That he was crazy about me. All I could think of was how can anyone be crazy about someone they never met yet. I told her I couldn't meet him because he was married. Right there she started laughing. He was divorced. She said I had to really talk to him that he was the nicest guy she ever met.

David and I started talking more and more every night. He said he had to meet me and asked what I was doing that weekend. I told him I was working and had the weekend off. All he said was great. Then that Thursday night he said he was going to be in El Paso to see me. I was dumbfounded. and nervous as hell.
I met David face to face on a Friday night June 7th of 2002 after work and never left him until Monday morning June 10th. It was love at first site. He was everything I had asked for in my Spell. I was totally amazed. He proposed to me that Sunday night before he left to go back to his hometown here in Texas. He returned and kidnapped me 2 weeks later and we were married in September. All because of a love spell.

Sometimes I wondered in the past 8 years with David that it was the spell that made him come to me and not just chance. He said he didn't care if it was the love spell or not. He said he has never been disappointed in me yet. When we go places we still hold hands and even kiss in public. I know it sounds all mushy but it's the honest truth. We still act as if we just got married.

He loves to go shopping with me. In fact we go everywhere together. We have one night a week that we call our date night. That night is usually dinner out and or a movie. He has a very open mind. He isn't religious but he doesn't mind the fact that he has a witch for a wife. He said he would never marry again after his last marriage ended in divorce. Then he met me. Things change. I often think back on that night in my mom's garden ... how that little spell got me all this happiness.


Witchkrafting with Kat said...

I shall be watching it tomorrow with a big bag of crisps and a bottle of wine LOL! Love your blog page :-)

Emerald Window said...

What a fabulous story. I wish you a David many long and happy years together. Love IS magic.

Wendy said...

This is such a beautiful post, it gave me shivers! I'm single and reading your post is inspiring me to put my list together and maybe next full moon, I'll send it off into the ethers..Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. You did Sally and Gillian proud :)

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful story, Leeanna. It really shows just how amazing and surprising love can be. :)

I hope you had a beautiful Mabon, too!

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

Such a great (party) post, thank you for sharing your story with us! Hope you'll drop by!

Pauline said...

Love your Amas Veritas Leeana! A wonderful story... I hope you'll visit my blog during te party and read my story ... a little different, but I'm way down South.. in Australia!
hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story! I wish the two of you a lifetime and more.

Andrรฉann said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!

I'm convinced the spell brought you luck!
Have a long and happy life with him!

Lenora said...

Beautiful! Lucky you! Magical Post - Thanx for sharing, we loved this! - what fun!

For More Practical Magic stop by at
Practical Magic - How To Make A Magic Wand

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh oh oh I am loving this...wonderful ..delightful. Thank you for sharing the story! And I am thinkin' who cares why he came to you..he did!!
Blessings, Sarah

~*Rhi*~ said...

What a beautiful story! That's one of my favorite scenes. Blessings, Rhi

Lisa said...

Your story gave me chills. How beautiful!!!! I met my husband on line, too. We talked for 11 years before I agreed to marry him. We met in person the very day he moved in and we married exactly a year later. It is bliss. ♥

Scrap Vamp said...

What a wonderful story! Congratulations on finding your love! Thank you for inviting me to your blog!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

What an incredible story! Thank you for sharing. What was meant to be shall be...

Please feel free to fly over my way:

Sincerely, Theresa

Shai Williams said...

What an incredible story. I also met my husband online. We chatted and finally met. He moved in the next day and I have never regretted it. We celebrated 10 of marriage this May.

Stop by and visit for a magical giveaway

Faerie Sage said...

Wow what a beautiful and inspiring story. It makes one believe in true love agian. Thanks for your wonderful blog party post and sharing a true experience with all of us!
My link is not up yet but feel free to visit me at

Pellie / Penny said...

The Magic of Love is truly remarkable and your story was so heartening.

Congratulations on finding a keeper.

Please do drop by my blog if your not too busy and check out my giveaway.

Brightest Blessings,

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you and David are happy with each other - The Wind.

Linda said...

I am having the most fun at your Practal Magic Party. Love your thoughts and tribute. what a inspiring story. Thank you for sharing. Please visit me:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Pure magic I tell ya! Loved this post. come visit and dance a little. :)

Bluezy said...

How magically wonderful! To have found love is the ultimate in achievements, then it is to create life. No hocus pocus in creating life...just some good hanky panky.
Happy blog party!

Leanna said...

Thank you all for such wonderful praises.Funny what a true story can make a person feel. I wasn't able to visit all the blogs from the party because I haven't been feeling very well since Friday. Hopefully I will still get around to doing it tomorrow if I get the chance. Again thank you all very much for stopping by. >^.,.^<

Aimee Jeffries said...

Such a great love story! I could finally read it once I was done laughing to tears, didn't anyone else look at the blog header or read the "About Me"? I read it all out loud to hubby and showed him the picture, then we both looked at the cat thinking how she would look in the flying monkey suit. She'll hear none of it. You are brilliant, I love your reality :) *Must follow*

Anonymous said...

I love finding new blogs through the blog party.... I'm still o the B's. What a wonderful story, really I loved it.
Great blog

Birgit said...

Awwww... Beautiful story!!! :)

-- Birgit

Dandelion Dreams said...

I just love a good love story, and a real one even more! This was both good, and real, and from another Texas gal. Yay! This really made me smile. And since it's still September, I can wish you guys a happy anniversary. :)

Faith, trust, and faerie dust!

Katy Cameron said...

What a fab story, thanks for sharing with us party goers. Wanders off to find some petals for a spell and to discover when the next full moon is...

Carrieann said...

Beautiful story and great blog!

If you haven't already, fly by and take a peak at our party prize giveaway...

Brightest blessings!

~*Rhi*~ said...

OMG! When I saw the name of you blog, I just had to follow you. So glad I saw it on the Practical Magic Block Party!


Susan said...

Congratulations!! many, many more years of Happiness :)

Valerie Hart said...

Hi Leanna! Happy Practical Magic Party, and one of my favorite movies! It's still going on... and so many blogs to visit! My favorite scene is when young Sally is making and casting her Amas Veritas spell... adorable... And the saying at the end of the movie,
"... fall in L*O*V*E whenever you can!

Well... oh my goodness, obviously your love spell worked for you... thank you for sharing such a beautiful story!

Hope you have a chance to fly by my blog for a "special spell" that I have for everyone!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´✻✻✻...Lots of magical wishes, dreams and blessings to you and your family...

xoxo Valerie

Annabelle said...

Now I thought you were a clever writer and wrote a beautiful spell of a story but it turned out to be true!This is magical...pure true love.Wishing you both many more magical years ahead.
Annabelle * *
* * ~^..^~ * *

Anonymous said...

Wonderful party post. Brightest Blessings!

Charmed Existence said...

Ha ha, I love your site. Great post. Blessed be

Justina said...

Thank you for joining in on the magick and sharing your love story with us !!! That is such an AMAZING story , It almost sounds too good to be true ! But it obviously IS true , and it just goes to show the rest of us girls out there longing for that one true love, that it IS possible and fairytales really do come true !! You are such an inspiration :-) , I wish you guys a thousand lifetimes of happiness of magick!!

Leanna said...

Yes, Justina and everyone else, this story is very much true. I know it's hard to believe but there have been stranger things happen in this world that are just as true. We just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary Sept. 7th.

Kate said...

powerful magic!! thanks for sharing!
xo, kate

Anonymous said...

I want to say thank you thank you thank you to Ancient Dr PALOMA SPELLTEMPLE for everything so far. To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonials of other people at this website and after I talked Dr PALOMA who answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr PALOMA, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get him back to me and stay with me and want to marry me.As soon as he started on the spells, my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr PALOMA said would happen. He’s always there when you need him and that’s also after the spell is done. I’m still waiting for the spells to completely manifest, but with all that has happened so far I’m very happy because given only four months ago in March, if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! Dr paloma. contact is email address

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