
Monday, October 4, 2010

Bionic Nose

Happy Halloween month my delightful minions. The weather is changing, cool mornings and nights and warm days. I love this time of the year! The colors, the fun stuff to do, everything about Autumn is fun. The most fun holiday of the year is coming very soon now and I can't wait.

But there is one thing I hate. It's the bugs. Every year about this time when the weather changes, the bugs are coming inside for warmth. David generally sprays inside and out around the house and shed with bug spray to keep the bugs in check but there are a few who make it into the house only to die shortly after entering. Because we live near the river, we have a large problem with roaches.I hate them. They are nasty, ugly little disease carriers. The fact that I can even smell them freaks David out. He said there is no such thing as a roach having an odor. But my minions I have a bionic nose. I can smell the nasty little rascals before they appear.  They smell like wet, moldy cardboard. When I say there is a roach here in a closet it appears the next day, dead on the floor. Weird, I know. From what I understand from my friends. They can't smell roaches and never have. I guess it's one of those quarks about me.

Well there is something else I found out. Roaches carry weapons. Yesterday, I saw a roach outside running through the garden. As soon as he hit the warm sunshine he flipped on his back and all this stuff started flying from it's legs. I grabbed my glasses and went to get a look see and I saw 2 guns 3 knives and a set of brass knuckles. This little varment was packing!! I asked David about it later when he got back from Home Desperate Depot and he said He had seen it too. In fact Pebbles disarmed one near the kitchen back door as it was breaking and entering. It was on it's back yelling "I cut you"!!! He said it was wearing a green bandanna and swinging a knife at her. I guess gangs are getting really desperate in their recruits.


  1. I complain about living in England but at least we don't have too many roaches. I've never seen one!

    I know what you mean about the bionic nose. Think I have a bionic ear instead though when it comes to insects.

  2. OMG! Another bionic woman ahahahahha.
