Halloween Countdown

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Monday, November 8, 2010


Alright ... I've decided, without much deliberation believe it or not. I thought about what can I have as a giveaway prize for hitting 100 minions. What would I like to get as a prize if I was one of you.

I thought about 20 seconds long and hard and I definitely got a banging migraine from it decided to giveaway an E-gift card worth $100.

Does that sound like fun to you my minions?  Yes?
Guess what chicken butt??  I'm feeling very generous. How about a second place E-gift card prize of $50. Yeppers, I think I would like to give that away too.

SO ... Starting today. If you want to be part of this great giveaway. I will be taking entries.
BUT, there are a few things that I have to make clear:

 * You must be one of my minions (followers).

 * Only one ( 1 ) entry per minion.  I will give a second (only one extra) entry to anyone if you blog about this and come back to tell me in comments on this post so I can give you the second entry credit.

* Enter your entry only on this post via a comment.

* When you comment on this post please give your blog name if you have one.

I will be taking entries up until November 19th, that is next week Friday.  I will draw the 1st and 2nd prize winners Sunday night the 21st  and post them on my blog on Monday, November the 22, 2010.
I will be asking for your email addy so I can have send you the E-gift card. 
 Then the winners will be getting their cards via email to use as they like on


Anonymous said...

Wowsers! What a generous gift!!! Sign me right up! to post....

Anonymous said...


Okay...close the contest now... I win! LOL

Living a Balanced life in texas said...

me im next ...pushes susan out the way

Living a Balanced life in texas said... here is my blog post

Morgaine Pendragon said...

Wow! Super generous!!! Crosses fingers...pick me pick me...

Morgaine Pendragon said...

Blogged about it...woot!!

TheBlakkDuchess said...

Woohoo!!! Your minions have a most wonderful mistress! XD

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

This is a mighty generous giveaway. Thanks for letting me enter.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

And now I have posted a blog about it on my bloggie:
The Olde Bagg

TheBlakkDuchess said...

Aaaaaaaand for a second chance at fame & glory...

...or at least for a gift card...

Here be a post about your most generous of bribes, ahem, giveaways:

So Dark So Cute said...

I'm here because of LindaOma.
You've got a lovely blog :-)
Am i allowed to enter if i only follow you since today?
Donna from the Netherlands

The Traveler said...

Oh I would love to win this! Books=addiction to me, lol.
My blog is Lost In Astral Space.
'm so glad I found your blog the other day!

Leanna said...

Donna if you are a follower and you comment in here then you are entered.

Heathen said...

Sweetie, you are one crazy chick. Sign me up too!

Boom said...

Hello Leeann! I flit about and humbly bow to you as a domestic diva with a fabulous fun giveaway. Boomfairy is now one of your minions and will remain diligent and faithful for all time.
I reign true at

Vicky said...

Great prize, I am a minion :)

TickleTeckla said...

Wow what a great give away I would love to enter :D .... My blog is The Long and Winding Road.


Tea Witch said...

I wanna play too!!!

Find me in The Tea Closet

Sparkless said...

Oh wow what a wonderful giveaway! Who could resist a gift certificate for amazon?! Put my name in for the draw.

RVVagabond said...

I am follower 111--I love round numbers! Hee!

Marlene said...

What a generous giveaway. I found you through Linda (Old Baggs and Stuft Shirts). My blog is Marlene's Musings.

SpiritPhoenix said...

Wow! Talk about a generous gift!

I'm a minion. ;)

Judy said...

I think it worked...There is even a link in my post at Judy'

Judith said...

OHHHHH, my ears perked up at the title of your blog!!!! Enter me sweetie... and keep watching mine, when I get 100 are going to fall from the sky! giggle

Amber said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm in! I've been one of your followers for a little while now.

Gail said...

Wow, the 19th is my birthday so put my name in the hat.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh cool...thanks for letting me know about this and congrats on reaching 100!!!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Wow! What a whopping grand gift!! Put my name in the pot!!

Susan said...

very generous! and I LOVE ME SOME AMAZON!! thanks for the opportunity :)

Wendy.B said...

Congrats on having 100 minions, squirming, laughing and delighting in your blog ... I have never entered anything like this before, because I live a squillion miles away from most places and the post is to much to send stuff via snail mail, but I do weally love books and email is almost free... thank you for such a wonderful offer and an opportunity to participate..

Anonymous said...

Wow! 100 minions is quite the milestone. You go girl. Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway. I do have a blog but it is in start up form and not really ready for visitors with all the construction mess. You may be interested in the future though. It is based on living with lupus and fibromyalgia but not in a depressing waaaa-waaaa way. A girl's still gotta live to the fullest!

DK Spins said...

Conga-rats on the 100 minions!!! Please enter me in your giveaway. Hope you get to feeling better soon. BB, Dianne in UT

Stephanie Ann said...

How ridiculously generous! Congratulations!

Boom said...

I am glad that you are feeling somewhat better and there is always a recovery factor when you know what the heck it is that you actually have!!!!!

Sugar said...

I bow humbly to my mistress *giggle*

I've been a minion for not so long, but love your blog. :)

I have fibro also, so maybe we can compare horror stories :)
Good luck with it all dear!

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