Halloween Begins

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A New Award For Little Ol' Me

Dang!!! Another award. Wow!! I didn't know I was so popular. I got this clucking watch the language award from Amberlyn over at Mom's a Witch. Thanks sweetie! I love awards. Probably gonna get one for dying too. BWAAAHAHAHhahahaaaahahhahahahaaa. I'll probably burn for that remark.

Anywho, I have to pass it along to 10 bloggers that I think are Clucking watch the language Good Bloggers. So here goes it y'all.

Merlin's Magickal Mistre
Banterings of a Basketcase
Sips From The Fire Hydrant
Bringing Up Salamanders
Butterflies and Breezes
Groggy Froggy
Kacklin With Kalynn
The Haven
Dancing With a Spatula Wand

You ladies ROCK!!!


Anonymous said...


KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Thanks thanks and more thanks!! you are awesome!!

Heathen said...

Ha! This is so funny because I have awards for you too! Drop by my blog and pick yours up.


Leanna said...

Y'all are so welcome! I'll be over to get the award very soon hon. I have Christmas card addys to still add to my list. >^.,.^<

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