
Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Feel Like Crap But I Don't Care

I just got back from the Rheumatologist's office.
Great news !!!!     I don't have Lupus.

Bad news !!!!  You'll have to put up with my ass until I croak.  BWAAAHAHAHAHHAhahahahahahahhahahahaaaa!!!!

Just thought all my dear minions would like to know that I will be back to my old cantankerous self starting today. So, just to let some of you who suffer like my silly ass does, my tests came back ok.  I don't have Lupus. It's just Fibromyalgia

Anywho, I stopped taking the Amitriptyline to help me get some deep sleep after it started to wear off during the night about three nights ago. Screw that I'll be taking Tylenol PM if I need to sleep. I will be seeing him again on the 16th of December at which time he will put me on Lyrica along with the Cymbalta that I am taking now.

Ok, to other good stuff ... I would like to welcome all my new minions to the fold. You will each receive my written plan of World Domination as soon as I can get copies. (joking)

Welcome aboard my dears. If you have read any of my previous blog posts, I'm innocent, no bodies, no pictures, no proof, you will know that I tend to cuss like a longshoremen if I get riled. Which is rare, but then I had to stop because I was thinking what if kids are reading this crap. Then I thought ok if kids are reading my crap then maybe I should ask if they know any new swear words. But then I would really be in trouble and I'm babbling again aren't I?

Well the giveaway is almost ended so if you know of anyone who needs to enter that hasn't ... DON'T TELL THEM !!! ahahahahaa more for you Linda ... r i g h t.  And sucking up to me won't get you picked either so stop sending me emails saying how wonderful I am. But I have to say it's been fun and I might do a Yule Card giveaway after this one is over.

I will be back tomorrow with something crazy as usual to talk about. Until then ... Ciao.


  1. Hey girlie girl, let us raise a tankard of milk to Fibro bitches together............The Olde Bagg

  2. ...I had my suck up letter all ready to send, too!!

  3. Welcome back..... but "just fibromyalgia"?????? I have been laid out flat all week with a flare... I am glad it isn't lupus...but fibro is nasty news too. Glad to have yo back!

  4. fibromyalgia or Lupus? Either one is less than stellar. As for cussing like a longshoreman my daughter can't read just yet and I don't think she knows any new ones but if she comes up with one I'll pass it on.

  5. Awe DAMN!!! I didn't think of sucking up!!!! RATS! OH yeah, that's it... if I don't win I could turn you into a rat.... hummmm, no, don't like rats.... oh well, I shall attempt sucking up.... love you, your funny, smart, and curse better then me!!! Hows that??? good???

  6. Glad to have you back, dear Mistress. Now about those world domination plans... ^_~

    Swearing is good for the soul. Never let anyone tell you it isn't. And if they try, well, I'm sure you'll think of something to say. ^-^

  7. YAY! I'm so glad it's not lupus. I had to go through all those tests, as well.

    Don't let them pigeon hole you into Fibro, either. I have Chronic Diffuse Pain Disorder. My family doc said "Oh, it's Fibromyalgia", and then when I got to a specialist in Chronic Pain, I found out it is much worse than that!

    My family doc had me on Lyrica, and I ended up with tremors so bad that when I was at dinner I was wondering what the noise was, and The Man's cousin pointing out my hand was shaking and the fork was beating against the plate---so PLEASE be careful, and keep your doc updated!

    If you ever need to talk, you can email me at, or add me on Facebook (I'm under Aelwyn Daeira, just add a note who you are).

    Also, check out! Great resource!!!!!

    Much love and gentle hugs.

    Oh...and DON'T wear yourself out. Do one thing a day!!!!!! Don't make me beat you (joking). :)

    <3 *hugs*
