
Monday, April 18, 2011

Shit That Some Of You Requested

Everyone wanted to know what I was writing about with David marking his territory and the flowers blooming a all. Also extra pictures of the puppies. Special note... David is typing this for me cause I'm in like in white hot pain here g/f. I endedup in the ER Sunday evening and I feel like shit. My back is a complete mess now and the Valium and Hydrococone the doc pit me on is bearly healping. I am waiting for an opening to see doc Miller my pain doc so I can get intothe surgical clinic and get the shots to releive my pain. so as of no I will not be on until further notice. Linda in NM i tried your number but it is not in survice. enjoy the pictures and stuff i had prpared last week for today my friends...ciao

Some of you have been requesting pictures of things that I have written about in the past. So here's a few I was unable to post the pictures with because I ran out of battery life in my camera before I could take the picture. So I took the picture of David's marked territory before he dug it all up and the after picture when he got the garden bricks. This is around one of our pecan trees in the front yard.

I want to plant geraniums in here but David won't let me. He wants roses. So we will be buying knockout roses and put white river stones along with it to keep the cats from using the bathroom in there.

Spunky, David's walking buddy

Some of you wanted more pictures of the puppies, only the Goddess knows why. So here they are
He hates his picture taken, notice he is sticking his tongue at me.

Pebbles wants attention

Pebbles was the little one we saved from a puppy farm. She was severely abused and very scared of human touch. As you can see that has changed. A little love goes a long way. If you will notice she has cataracts in both eyes and we have her scheduled for surgery in two weeks.

Pebbles, part Chihuahua, part Boston, part Diva

Lucy, my sweet baby girl, such a profile!

Lucy the teaser. She loves to start things with Pebbles Her profile is striking. Here she is sitting on David's lap on the front porch when I took the picture from the living room couch. We didn't have her tail cropped because it was crooked just like her personality.
Lucy is a nosy little girl
geraniums I am propagating

my Knockout roses near front porch


  1. Beautiful pictures, feel better soon!

  2. adorable puppies! your yard is going to be beautiful.
    And thank you to David for bringing us your post today =).

  3. Super cute doggies you have! I like Pebbles the most :-)

  4. You need to understand that you CAN'T post anything with pics of puppies! As soon as I see the puppy I start screaming and squealing and jumping around "Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!" and everything gets ignored. "Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!"

  5. Your puppies are just the cuteness, your flowers are gorgeous & I hope you get to feeling back up to snuff ASAP! Take care & may you be pain free soon!

