Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Update On David

David had his Colonoscopy on Friday morning. Everything went fine and nothing was found to be dangerous like polyps.

Special note.
We found Dr. L's missing wrist watch when David thought he had to take a dump. We are selling it on Ebay if anyone is interested in a shitty Rolex.


Anonymous said...

I fucking love you.

So Dark So Cute said...

No, i really dont like shitty rolexes ;-)

Judith said...

LOL well, as a man, you knew he was an asshole, but at least he's a good one! giggle

Lydia said...

LOL! Glad he's in the clear :-)

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