
Monday, July 18, 2011

Kitchen Dungeon Update

Okay the following is part of the renovation that is going on right now. David tore off the Dark ( I felt as if I was being sent to the hole to cook every day) Dungeon paneling and I took these pictures to show how fucking old and dark our house is.

Wooden wall after the dark paneling  was taken off. Some of the wallpaper that was under the paneling and the french door to the dining room on the left.

You can see that this house was made in the 1930's  or 40's.  They didn't have drywall back then so they had to put up wooden planks. These suckers are about 1/2 inch thick. I was just thinking with wood prices today and how much it would have cost to make this house just like this with the wood walls. It would probably be $400K
More of that lovely sea green wallpaper {gag}. Note part of the back door here too.
Lucy is David's foreman. She is wondering when he will take up the nasty flooring too.
All the paneling David took off The wall. I told him if He accidentally kills my Patchouli , the plant on the porch on the left, then he will go missing another finger.The two trash can looking things are my water savers for rain water for my house plants. David rigged a small white hose to go from the rain gutter into a hole in the center of the top of the can. He cut a plastic screens for the top of the cans so the debris from the gutters wouldn't fall into the rain water. Cool deal!
This is an idea of the nasty paneling (pictured on the top) that made my kitchen so fucking dark. Note the fugly cabinet fronts, hinges and pull knobs.
More of the paneling and the teensy tiny window I have above the sink.  I told David  a few  years ago that if he put bars up on the kitchen window then it would really bring out the dungeony feel of this kitchen. I do have to say the creepy florescent lighting along the cabinet tops helps bring a homely touch to the dungeon.
We are going to be taking all this crappy shit off the front of the cabinets and paint them. Also new knobs and such. This shit has made me crazy from day one when I moved in. Aaah yes my new stove. I love it! Yes I'm easy.

You can see how tiny the kitchen is by putting some of the pictures together.  Note the puke yellow sink.  David is letting me get  a farmhouse style stainless steel sink.  THANK YOU GODDESS!!  I'm easy, so fucking what!


  1. I have that same new stove! It's so awesome! (guess I'm easy, too.)

  2. I love the wood that was underneath! Very honey/homey. Yeah, that dark crap had to go - and new ovens make me swoon, too :-)

  3. I can't wait to see more pics! I love home renovation.
