
Friday, August 12, 2011

Book Review

Before I start this review, I would like to thank Sarah at Ben Bella Books for giving me the chance to review a really great book . She has the patience of a saint. Thanks sooooo much Sarah.

Nyx In The House Of Night:  Mythology, Folklore and Religion in the P.C. and Kristin Cast Vampyre Series is a collection of  wonderful essays. 

I always start by reading the introduction in the book. I have to painfully say that I haven't had the chance to read any of the books in the collection in the Nyx in The House of Night series yet. The introduction sold me into putting every one of the books on my Need To Read list. 

P.C. Cast tells of how she researches her material for the books and characters. She says she has "revised mythology, created worlds  based on history..." I'll say she has, and much more. She becomes editor of this collection of essays from various writers that bring their insights and unique thoughts into their writings. 

There is an essay on Native Americans and the Cherokee Nation called The Magic of Being Cherokee by Jordan Dane. Very well written of the myths and legends of the Cherokee People and of the main character Zoey Redbird and her roots in the House of Night series. 

I won't tell about all the stories in here because it would give away everything. But I will tell you that if you are an avid reader of  Zoey's world and you want to know more, than check out this book. It is crammed with material you might want to know. 

One example are the "Behind the House of Night Names"  in the back of the book. It gives the characters name, then the Greek meaning, who they are in The House Of Night series, etc, etc. I think that this is the best feature if you need to know about someone in the books. The artwork by Allan Torrance is marvelous. Almost intuitive with the essays. 

Reading Level : Young Adult
Pages : 200


  1. Ooooooo... I'm always on the lookout for new books to devour/read... These sound good! I shall have to put them on my To Read list as well! =D


  2. Never heard of this series before. I'll have to look it up. Thanks!

  3. i love the series...and just posted to see if anyone has read the latest series she has need to read it. Much better than twilight. Less
