Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Great Back To School Sale Going On For The Parents


Anonymous said...

Fuck Yeah! The pharmacy is also having a sale on Thorazine for the last couple of weeks of Summer.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now THAT'S something to celebrate!

Unknown said...

now when they put rum on sale i'll be a happy mamma

Lydia said...

And this .... is why I love you. But what's with them there teensy little bottles? This bitch bought a box o' wine!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

That is hysterical!!


Society of Diana said...

See, now I'd think most parents would need the wine now during the summer when the kids are at home running around being crazy and not going to bed till late but still getting up early and completely screwing me out of any free time I might have without staying up till f*k o'clock in the morning and... *cough* yeah. Yay for back to school sales! I see one of my favorite reds on the bottom left... ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's hilarious and ingenious! I like it.

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