Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Crazy Witch's Daybook

My mood:  Right now... I'm bored out of my gourd. I can't wait  to start my exercise and aquatics program at the Health and Wellness Center at the hospital here in town tomorrow morning. I'm hoping this will get me back into shape so I won't have to endure anymore back aches. As for my knees ... ehhh.

In regards to my fat fluffy ass:  HOOO YEAH!!!  I get to drive my own car around without David for once. Don't get me wrong I love being with David, but it gets tiring having to be chauffeured around like an invalid. I hated it.  Besides He drives 5 mph under the speed limit and the one that drives controls everything, from power window locks to radio. It was like I was a in a cage. But my car is mine again, YES!! I need to go update my Low Level Flying License.

So far that shot of Cortisone in my hip has worked. No more pain in my right leg. It feels great. But yesterday I was watering the the plants in the courtyard and I slipped and fell on my ass... well more like bounced, but hey, it only hurt for a little while. Got a bruise the size of Texas. I was thinking of getting a marker from my art table and mapping out Texas with all the burning areas.

My Goddess!!!  Y'all know what Spontaneous Combustion is? Well look it up and you'll see a picture of Texas. I knew I lived in Christian Hell but this is fucking ridiculous!

Most of this crap is from asshole kids with nothing to do and dumb ass drivers that smoke and throw their cigarette butts out the windows instead of using the ashtray. I'd like to wup their asses!!

What I'm reading: I was looking for some new Vampfang and other books by Chloe Neill  on to read.  She's a damned good read. I like her style. Right now I'm on the Chicagoland Vampires Series. I also love Rachel Caine with the Morganville Vampire Series If you haven't found these two ladies, I suggest you do. It's some kick ass fun to read.

What's for din din: Well Hell!!!  It's been so long since I cooked. Being with the bad back and all. But now that I'm back to ALMOST because I'm Certifiable Crazy normal, I'm able to do the things I love, which is cooking and baking. But baking will start around October. It's too fucking hot to bake now.

Anywho I got off track  again. I'm keeping it simple with BBQ chicken tenders and Ranch mashed potatoes. and a salad. For the Ranch mashed potatoes, I add a little bit of Ranch Dressing instead of milk and butter. When you add the Ranch start out with just a little bit then stir and add according to the consistency of how you like your mashed potatoes. Then I add a bit of salt and pepper to taste. Yummmmmm


Unknown said...

Being a prisoner in my own vehicle would make me insane. And single.

Unknown said...

I will definitely look into the vampire book. I already read the Morganville ones. I love Vampire academy. I finished the series and now she is doing the alchemist side of things in the book Bloodlines. Not to bad. I love Zombie books to The Enemy is a great read if your looking to expand your horror reads. Keep giving suggestions. I always need a new read.thanks

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear you are feeling better girl!

Anonymous said...

I dropped out of the world of blogging but am back. Yours was one of the first blogs I checked out again because i think you rock! Sorry to hear you have been having health problems.

I stole a pic off your site and then forgot where I got it i will credit you next post.

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