Halloween Countdown

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm letting you all know that I will be away for  a while. I need time away from this place so David is taking me up to Austin for the rest of the week. I have no freaking idea what we will do up there that we can't do here but we are leaving in an hour. Hope he lets me do some shopping at World Market and the Container Store, Oh and my favorite place to shop is Pottery Barn. So if this is a shopping trip for me I'm happy as a clam. Back on Monday my minions. Have a great week.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A change is as good as a rest, they say. Have fun!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your trip! Here's hoping you come back with some good Austin swag. :)

Lydia said...

Have fun! Hope you are feeling better.

Reba said...

Oooo a vacation! I haven't had one of those is YEARS! I hope you had a blast; you certainly deserve it!

Leeanna, I hope you don't mind but I was tagged in a game, now I am tagging you in turn. I hope you will play along?

Please visit my blog at :// and see what this is about :) I look forward to your post!

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