
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's Absolutely Shameful

I'm in trouble. Yes, and I need help, but sadly there is none for me and those like me. I *heavy sigh* am a Pinterest Pinhead. Yes, *hanging my head in shame* yes, *heavy heavy sigh* I admit it. I am desperate for help. I have been known to spend hours, days, and sometimes weeks doing nothing but looking and pinning on Pinterest.

I have nothing really against Pinterest. That place is fucking great! It's been called the Fantasy Football for women. I mean where else can a woman spend time planning her dream wedding over and over again, differently each time. Then there are the recipes for things I never knew existed and things I want to try but might never get the chance.  Places I wished I could travel to. Gardens to plan with secret gardens within them behind stained glass doors  covered in vines and roses. Fuck me running I LOVE Pinterest!!!

I've been told countless times by my friends on Facebook. That they are worried that I am not on there as much as I used to be. They wonder if I'm going to drop my FB account.  Sorry my dears. But momma has a new gig and she's happy with it. So now If you'll excuse me I have some pinning to do.


  1. oh hells bells girl.....see ya on pinterest. That shit has eaten my brain as well. Oma Linda

  2. I love Pinterest, too. Totally addicted.

  3. Blogging eats up so much of my time already that I'm scared to go on Pinterest. Can't afford to have any more of my time consumed! So I'm staying off.

  4. I'm a Pinhead too :-/ I'm under Mama's Thyme, let's waste time together!

  5. I just don't get the Pinterest thing. I'm not a big planner, I'm more of a "lets get through the day without losing my shit" gal. Does Pinterest have a page for that?

    I also never caught onto the Twitter thing. I will go to my grave saying that sight is made for people with ADHD on crack.

    Just sayin'.

  6. You and my sister. I think other bloggers are Pinning as well and have forgotten how to comment or post on blogs. I refuse to get involved in it because I will never stop pinning. LOL
