
Monday, June 25, 2012

Them Crazy Jersey Bitches Need Bail Money

I'm still laughing at a comment on a post I made from last week. Well it seems Hippy Jersey Devil made a little comment about a certain handsome Texas homeboy. Yeppers and he is in a movie that came out just recently. Yeah I'm talking Magic Mike with our own Texas homeboy Matthew McConaughey. MMMM mmmm YUMMY!!! And Channing Tatum!!! DAYUM!!!!

Well HJD and five of her BFF's are going to see the movie soon and then they are hitting a a Drag Queen joint after the movie. Now the big reason I am saying all this is that these crazy bitches are in for all kinds of trouble. And HJD has asked me to kindly start up a bail money fund for them. SO, if you are in a kindly state of mind, please donate anything ya got in your bank accounts, any spare change, a few hundred dollar bills if you are so inclined.
No first born, please. I don't take children. 
If you do I will give them an esspreso and a Mastiff puppy to bring home to you. Yes, yes I will. I'm kinda like that ya know.


  1. You made my fucking day! Have you seen the t.v. promo where Matthew is on stage and he says "The law says there's no touching allowed....looks like I got a lotta law breakers in here tonight!"

    ahahahaha! We are gonna bring Monopoly money and wave it around....

    Gurl, we soooooooooooooo bad.

  2. That's gonna have to be one big friggin' bail fund!

  3. hadn't seen previews for the movie...i want to see it now. As for bail such luck. I am taking up a money for a vacation...because i sure could use
