
Monday, July 2, 2012

Out For Back Surgery Again

Hey my dear friends and lurkers. I will be out for this week and maybe the next few weeks too.  I am having back trouble again. Yeah I know, I know, it means surgery again. Compression of the nerves has moved up to L3 and L4 so that means I go in for surgery to relieve the pressure by having the bony area in the spine made larger so the nerves don't pinch. 

So I'm hoping y'all can do without my crazy ass for a while. So see you in a few weeks 


  1. Hope it all goes well and look forward to you blogging again in a few weeks :)

  2. Take care and may the surgery bring you long-lasting relief! See ya later, gator!

  3. I'm drinking to your doctor's steady hands. May you come through this and be better. I'll miss your wild and crazy posts.

    BE HEALED! or we may send a TV preacher to your house....if we can find a bag big enough to put 'it' in.

    Remember to breathe. Get well soon.

  4. What a hassle! Hopefully the surgery will make a HUGE difference and improvement!!! Follow the doctors orders, don't be stubborn, and heal well. I'll miss you while your healing but I'm looking forward to your return - in a better physical state!!!

  5. I hope this surgery brings you relief!

  6. To let you all know, my scheduled surgery for this Friday has been cancelled until the 27th. So I'm back for a few more weeks my loves.

  7. Ewww... Surgery sucks. Hoping for a speedy recovery and some pain relief.
