
Friday, August 31, 2012

Quick Note Before I Pass Out

I survived the surgery great, no problems. They found our the "bug" that attacked my bone. I'm on antibiotics once a day, everyday for 6 weeks. So Oct 6th will be my last check up forthis to see if everything is A-OK .

For now I am walking with a piece of surgical cement for a knee cap, which hurts like a mother!  They also had a  PICC line put in so I don't have to worry about my veins going bad from so many sticks from the Home Health Nurse.

Sorry but I need to crash now. My pain killers seem to make me do that. I love you all and thanks for the Well wishes.


  1. I feel for you. My man had something like that happen with his hip joint. He also had to do 6 weeks worth of antibiotics and had a PICC line, which definitely is the best option for your veins.
    I wish you a quick recovery!

  2. Thanks for the update -- hang in there, baby! as we used to say back in the 70s. I hope you heal quickly and well.

  3. Keep yourself drugged up enough so this bullshit don't get ya down.
