
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blessed Samhain My Loves


  1. Samhain blessings to you! May the new year bring you freedom from pain and restriction!

    1. I'm hoping that when I see my Ortho doctor on the 11th of Nov that he will say "everything looks great, let's do it." I want so much to get out of this bed and be able to walk outside with a new knee in place and feel the warm sun on my face.
      They say you don't know what you truly have until it's taken away from you. Now I know what that feels like.

  2. I hope you had a lovely Samhain despite dealing with an ouchy knee. :o)

    I haven't commented often but I read and enjoy your blog, so I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Here are the details:

    There is no obligation to accept or even acknowledge it, so if you're not into awards, that's okay. I just wanted to give it to people whose blogs I actually read.
