
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Third Blogging Birthday To Me and A Contest, Yippy!!

It's late in saying so but Happy Blog Birthday to me. Yes, yes, hold the applause please. I feel safe in knowing there is a three on that cake. I've made it this far in time without going completely off the deep end.

This blog has literally saved me from killing, umm friends... certain family members back in El Paso... stupid neighbors, and David, yes David on many occasions, not too many, but some occasions.

This little blog has grown. Not much but it has. I started it just to express my thoughts good and bad, and now I'm entertaining. Sometimes I feel I should spruce up the place because I have so many visitors. Feels like y'all are bar hoppin my place.

Maybe if I put out appetizers or a buffet and wine y'all might stay long enough to comment. Speaking of which, I need to put up a "comment or else the kitten gets it" picture so I'll get more comments. So sorry but I don't follow up on comments unless I feel necessary. I just don't have the time. 

But then I thought hmmm... what do people want? Sex? Drugs? Rock n roll? Sex? Money?  $50 Gift Card? $100 Amazon. com Gift Card?
Hmmmm. Have I got your attention?
I've been thinking and yes I got a whopper of a migraine from doing that. David has told me to cut down on the thinking part about a little contest.

Anywho, I have a total of 2071 comments since I started this blog. I'd like to hit 5000 before the end of this year. That's 2929 more comments. I used the calculator so my migraine doesn't get worse. So if or when I hit the big 5000 before the end of this year I will award the commentor who hits that number a nice fat $100 Amazon Gift Card. No Joke! Let's see if this can happen.


  1. You wouldn't believe it I just bought some of the "bitch" wine. A very nice drop indeed :)

  2. I love your craziness! You just want 3000 more comments, that's all! Happy anniversary! I have to check when mine is!

  3. Happy 3rd Blogoversary and wishing you many, many more! That's a great giveaway you're planning too!

    And thanks for the Liebster Award while I was away. Very kind of you -- I'll post it next week.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Crazy is good. I love crazy. Keep up the good work!

    I may have the saying from that weird muppet picture tattooed on my arm. It's perfect!

  5. I knew I left my bottle of wine somewhere......

  6. Wow that's such a generous giveaway!!! I often times want to leave comments but I hate writing and then just don't get around it. I'm gonna work on that and help get you to your goal. =D

  7. yay!

    3's a good number... beats 2 or 4 any time ;)

    if google hadn't killed my blog, i'd be looking at 7 years - as it is, i'm working on 2, again... i think :(

    have broom, will travel... ;)

  8. What a great blog you have here! I'm glad I found you! :-)
