
Friday, June 28, 2013

More Adventures In Plumbing At Casa De Loco

I hope you will all pardon my lateness in posting today ... you see my husband/plaything/sexy beast/David is home for the next two weeks due to the office shutdown for the 4th of July. They get two weeks off paid vacation.

Yeah that means nonstop GAWD awful Syfy Channel movies that no respectable person or even space alien would be caught watching. In between the movies he watches Maury and Jerry Springer. DAYUM!!  I'm such a lucky woman!

Right now I turned off the TV and told him to fix the bathroom faucet. Something is leaking water under that pedestal sink and he needs to fix it before we get flooded out. Probably like in "Anaconda Parana". Evidentally not a real movie yet, but if someone were to read my blog that makes these stupid movies for Syfy, he/she will most likely use that title for it. HA! 

Anywho, it's been very quiet ... so far. David? Where is he? Oh he's still fixing the sink. It's now 2:47 PM and he is replacing the old sink hardware faucet set with a new set. You'll please note he started at 10: 25 AM this morning.

You see David  isn't quite good at plumbing. He tries but it's just not his thing. I have the plumber on speed dial just incase. Today? Nope. My husband so far :

  • Has taken the sink apart and laid it onto the dining room table where it has been sitting for almost four hours.
  • He killed two red wasp nests in the small shed while looking for Plumber's Putty.
  • He had lunch.
  • He has been to Home Desperate four times just today so far. Looking for Stuff and Thangs and Plumber's Putty.
  • He played with the puppies while talking with our neighbor for half an hour.
Me? I'm just biding my time here. Playing on Pinterest. I'll keep you posted on what happens around here at Casa De Loco.


  1. I am married to a builder who seems to think he can fix anything with the exception of cars. Plumbing is no biggy Sci Fi movies.. dont think i have ever seen one... good luck with the bathroom taps xx

  2. Sending good luck plumbing vibes to your husband. Stay dry, everyone!

  3. I think your story can take whole movie itself. I think an ant can do lots of work that an elephant is not able to. I faced boiler plumbing issues last winter and my husband wanted repair it but he spoiled the whole situation. Eventually we had to call commercial boiler repair engineer to solve the issues. It was not less than a nightmare.

  4. Very cool idea using plumbing parts. It looks great. Thanks for sharing.
    Water Meter Installation
