
Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Notes

OMG!!! I think I gained a whole 2 pounds over the Thanksgiving holiday. Really! I weighed myself this morning and I couldn't believe it. Only 2 lbs. David and I hate turkey, stuffing, and yams. So I made a pot roast with carrots and potatoes and then I baked 2 rolls of cookies.

Thanksgiving is great for family gatherings and all, but we don't do the overstuffing of food until you can't move without pain.

Well, I've decided to keep the 5000th Comment Contest going until the 31st of December. Yes I know y'all would rather have the giveaway now before Christmas but I'm only up to 2547 comments. It's not my fault. I try to blog every day. I get close to 25 visitors a blog entry. I'm guessing I need to change something. If you want me to change blog content, then PLEASE, let me know what you want to see or have me write about; otherwise things remain the same.  Remember, porn is NOT an option.


  1. I'll keep adding my comments to the total but if it turns out I'm # 5,000, I won't be able to use an card because I'm in Canada, not the USA. Any books in Canada have to be purchased from and I don't think gift cards are interchangeable between the two. So I'd defer to commenter #5,001 who is more likely to be an American!

    1. I didn't know that. Well crap on toast! I'll just have to think of something else for someone that can't use the Amazon Gift card. I'm thinking I can that maybe I can send the winner an AMEX or VISA money card or something like that. I'll have to think what I can do about this. Thanks for letting me know about this, Debra.

  2. i could always leave a bunch of extra blank comments to help with the process!wink wink!
    I hope your back is better! I can do stuff again. Sure by the end of the day my body forms a right angle, but whose does n't? And it is agreat way to collect spare change!!! Hugs!!!!

  3. Oh man I love carrots in pot roasts!!!!!!! And a little celery too.

    I'm horrible at leaving comments, like I'll think of things but then don't get around to posting them =/ sorry I'm no help!!

  4. I love your blog! Keep it up. I will try to comment more often!
