
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Fucking Cold Everywhere

I'm in a blah mood today. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to. David forgot to move the recycling bin to the curb this morning. So, I had to get my warm ass out of bed, get dressed, sans coat, mittens, mukluks, five scarves, and two hats. I went out in my killer rabbit slippers, pants and a t-shirt. It was 28 fucking freezing degrees out there with a wind chill of zero, and I was lugging that oversized body container out to the end of the driveway. I'm pretty sure I accidentally keyed my own car with my nipples. The insurance people will never believe it.

My dogs are nosey as hell. They followed me out into the cold. When I turned around to head back to the house they were standing like little orphans shivering and staring at me with humongous brown eyes. I guess they thought I was going to go driving somewhere. They were more than happy to get back into a warm house and in front of a warm heater.

David is in meetings all day today. His boss is going to rescue him at noon so they can go out with a client for lunch. Hell, I may just go back to bed and watch movies all day. I have no place important to go to, and at least I can turn the bed heater up to keep warm.


  1. Stay warm! We are supposed to get snow here. Can you believe that shit?? Snow in North Carolina ... smdh

  2. LOVE the expression about keying your car with your nipples! hahahaha

  3. Lol thanks for that descriptive post. I laughed thinking I would be feeling the same way. Unfortunately we are in the opposite situation here and we are all grumpy because of the extreme heat. We ally are melting. Thanknyoumformputting the smile back on my face and yes I think staying in bed all day watching movies is a greqt idea xx

  4. Ugh, I HATE when I scrape my car up with my nipples. I should just stop trying to warm up by laying on the hood with the car running.

  5. Haha! Your nipples are no competition for mine though! By the end of each pumping they are the size of one of my toes! No amount of clothes and bras can hide those babies!
