
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Magician With Dogs

Finnish magician, Jose Ahonen, tricks dogs with treats. This is so cute. The dogs have such a cute wondrous look.  Watch Salli, she's* he's the vocal one. Like she's* he's saying, "WTF? Where'd it go?"
*NOTE: Salli is a male name in Finland. Sorry for the mistake.


  1. Hey Leeanna!

    OMG - you (like many others, I see) found this! It was like yesterday we heard about this video here in Finland! This is really witchcraft like Sälli said! And now you got me under your Texas spell (leaving a comment)! - Have you found our another talent Smoukahontas yet? She is appearing soon in the Ellen Show!

    That Sälli is really a boy, "dude" in Finnish, Salli would be girl's name:) This very vocal breed is finnish spitz, "suomenpystykorva", Finlands national dog breed, originally used in hunting, where dog's barking points squirrels and game birds from trees and other game animals in the forest. Very active and cute dogs, but so loud home guards. So it was no surprise that Sälli said out loud what he thought about this kind of magic!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. So sorry Heli. Here in the USA Salli is a female name. So whoops! My dumb mistake.
    Anyways, I checked on Smoukahantas who is Sara Marie Forsberg. This young woman is so cool! I love her singing voice. Her Ellen Show appearance won't be televised until July. I wish she would do more singing though, she's great. Very powerful voice. I can only hope great things for her will happen.

    1. Oh dear, don't be sorry! We have these Scandinavian vowels as "a with two dots above it" and those dots make here that difference. So Salli is a female name here too, for animals and humans! But Sälli (with those dots) is a male name for animals.

    2. Joy to the world! Sara Forsberg -episode in Ellen is televised tomorrow Monday 7th April - did I get this right? Anyway, thanks for your kind and praising words about Sara! She's so great!
      Wishing you a happy week!

  3. Nakko might be my favorite. I love that look of bored disgust on his face. And Sally's behavior is priceless. He's not putting up with that nonsense and wants an explanation, lol!
