Halloween Countdown

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Plant Porn / Bow-Chika-wow-wow

Garden Porn Catalogs

Esperanza bush  source
Over the weekend David and I played dirty. He dug up the area along the chain linked fence and planted  6 more Esperanza bushes. He loves those things. We have them growing along the south and west sides of the house. When these little lovelies grow, they block the hot Texas sun from hitting the house. They love the heat and tolerate drought conditions to a certain degree. Meaning we only have to water them once a week. They also attract bees like crazy and we need bees for our veggie garden, so Esperanzas are helping us out in more ways than one here.

Astilbe source
He also planted a butt load of Astilbe in 4 different colors for me. They were planted in the front garden in the shady areas. These flowers love the shade and tolerate almost every abuse you can throw at them. We will see if they stand up to those SOB cats in the neighborhood who like to use my garden for their personal toilet.

I also received a buttload of Begonia bulbs in the mail. I bought a whole catalog full of them. I love garden porn  These are the flowering kind. One of my most favorite flowers to grow and the hardest to keep alive. I love begonias because they are so pretty and the flower is like that of a rose. They come in beautiful colors and are also shade lovers. I planted them this morning and I'm hoping I can get these to grow and flower. If they do I will be the happiest camper ever.
Begonias  source


Birdie said...

Your post reminds me that I need to get out in my garden!


greekwitch said...

Bow chika wow wow indeed! I love gardening! Unfortunately i do not own a garden! I do however have over a hundred pots(some hanging from the ceiling, some hanging from the balcony and a lot on top of each other like a plant jenga) both indoors and in my balconies, in an apartment less than 110 square meters. It is like a jungle and people refer to my main balcony as a garden and once even a forest. And when i think there is no room left to plant i get a new idea of where i can put new plants. I even considered at some point to put lawn on my balcony!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i just returned from my favorite nursery. i feel so guilty. i almost wiped them out!

c. Joy said...

My husband has caught me chasing the neighbor's cats with a squirt bottle... it's not a pretty sight. I love animals and nature when it's in its place - but not in my place.

Pickleope said...

How big to the Esperanza bushes get that they can block your house from the sun? This is the first Spring I've been in a home not an apartment so I'm learning all about gardening. Why can't all plants enjoy shade? And what's up with them needing water for life? So picky this whole life form thing.

Leanna said...

OMG!!! I remember when I was living in my apartment. I had more plants than space to keep them in.

Leanna said...

Never, ever feel guilty about buying out a plant nursery. You can never have too many plants around the house.

Leanna said...

The Yellow Stars, the ones I wrote about can get up to 14 feet tall in the summer. Which completely covers the outer walls of our house. We just cut them down to the roots in the winter before the first frost and they come back every year.

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