Halloween Countdown

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Monday, June 23, 2014

I'm back

Okay I'm back as you can see. I had thoughts of quitting this blogging thingy so many times the past week and a half, but I got bored again. So I'm back. Yay.
These turned orange this morning, will be ripe by tomorrow- big as my hand
Lots of things have happened. We have had so much fantastic rain that veggies are coming out the wazoo. David can't believe how many BIG tomatoes that are ripening, and the cucumbers too. He counted 23 tomatoes on one bush yesterday and five of them will be ripe by tomorrow. Yes! That fast. Think I'll be canning a bit this coming weekend for sure. David is just going crazy with this mini farming thing. Last year we had the tomato plants in pots in the courtyard and he was excited when he got his first tomato. We only harvested three off that one tomato plant. So you can see why he's all crazy about this idea about having above ground planting beds.
A cucumber I picked for our salad last night
Everything is so green that it hurts your eyes. I love it! Check out the front yard pics I took last week.
front side of the yard with morning glories and pecan tree which is full of  green pecans now

front left front of yard with roses, gardenia, geraniums and part of the porch

White Texas Wisteria climbing up the front of the house over the living room window.
Keeps the front rooms cool in the summer. In the green planter hanging are two begonias that are supposed to hate the sun, go figure. They like it fine.
Front right of porch with roses, gardenia, and geraniums

Tiger Cannas in pot on the left actually bloomed this morning. The Cannas on the right next to the Mock Orange tree bloomed last week when I took this picture, is still in bloom in the courtyard.

Cannas bloom up close and personal

miniature roses I keep outside next to the back door in the courtyard

Pink miniature roses in courtyard

My red and pink geraniums and small pink flowers of the begonia in the back.
Taken on my front porch

 more pink and red geraniums from the front porch

As you can see, so much green it hurts your eyes. If it weren't for the occasional flower I'd go blind.


Vickie said...

I LOVE your yard and am SO glad you decided to stick around. I know blogging does get kinda boring at times, but being able to see your world through your words and pictures means so much. Thanks for not giving up!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i agree! so glad you are back!!! everything looks so beautiful. you are so way ahead of us. we have had tons of rain. i found mushrooms growing in my tomato bed. i don't think that is a good thing! i can't wait to have stuff to make salads.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love all these flower and veg photos! Glad you got bored and came back, LOL.

Pickleope said...

Very happy you didn't quit. The plants are looking good. Around here it's time to cut back the roses. Right now I'm trying to get a bunch of different ferns to grow in soil that is unaccommodating to ferns. I defy you, Nature! And you, keep coming back, it works if you work it and you're worth it. I don't know what "it" is, maybe blogging?

SpiritPhoenix said...

Glad you're back. I've missed seeing your posts.

Is that a fairy door next to your miniature roses?

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