
Monday, January 19, 2015

Fucking Train Wreck

I'm a fucking train wreck. Friday night I fell and jammed my arm. Yes, yes I did. I slipped on the hall area rug and fell to my right and in order to save my knees from hitting the floor and landing me in the hospital, I put my right arm out to take the brunt of the fall. It worked. Oh, it worked just fine. I saved my knees from a direct hit with the floor but I put all my weight on the right palm of my hand and it triggered a shock wave all the way up to my shoulder.

The pain was so bad that I thought I was going to pass out. At first I thought I dislocated it, but nope. So, I'm on Tylenol to keep most of the pain in check. I can barely lift my arm out or up, but it will get better because I did this before when I fell last year. It took about a week with my exercises and the pain went away. So I'm giving it a week to stop hurting and to get the rotation back. I hate brushing my hair with my left hand.

The weather here is unusually warm. Meaning it's in the mid 60's right now. My mock orange tree has leaf buds on it and my cannas are blooming and we are expecting a cold front to come through here in three days time. This happened last year too and the plants paid dearly for it. I wish Mother would get her shit together and make up her mind; is it winter or early spring. WTF! Make up your fucking mind woman!

The puppies couldn't care less what the weather is. They have a nice warm place to sleep. Pampered little shits! Lucy has the poots this morning something awful. Talk about smelly farts. DAYUM! She could knock flies off a shit wagon at ten paces. She's just plain nasty. I'm wondering what David has been feeding the dogs. I need to have a talk with him. Maybe I should go back to feeding them instead. 


  1. OH MY!! What are we going to do with you?? Stop! Just STOP! Sounds like those throw rugs need to either have some heavy duty rubber backing so they won't move around or find a new home in the rubbish! Feel betters coming your way. Much love and hugs!!!

  2. I hate to hear of yet another source of pain for you, my dear! Feel better soon and yes, feed those dogs yourself! If only in self-defence!

  3. As a caregiver I will ask if it might be a good idea to remover the area rug. More people trip on those things, myself included. But they look nice and keep the floor warm so what can you do? Did you get an x-ray?

  4. A bum arm and farty dog? You have my empathy. This may inspire me to train to instinctively fall on my useless left arm so that righty is still functional. I hope you recover with a quickness.
