
Monday, January 26, 2015

It's Monday

Well, my arm is feeling better. I've been exercising the shit out of it. Now I can lift it and brush my hair and set my hair in a ponytail. So nice to be able to do stuff again. I was losing quite a bit of sleep because of the pain. I finally got about 14 hours sleep yesterday. David knows I was having trouble so he let me sleep as late as I wanted. It was nice.
Brooklyn 1888
Today, some of my friends that live on the Northeastern Coast will be experiencing a blizzard of epic proportions. NOAA says it will start tonight in most places and end sometime Wednesday. The last historical blizzard happened on Sunday March 11th to the 14th in 1888. More than 400 people died and it took over 2 weeks to dig out of it. But back then there was no real weather service to warn anyone. I'm hoping everyone will stay safe and warm.

I was checking on my African Violet. You remember I showed y'all pictures of it last week. Go look, I'll wait. Anywho, I moved all my plants outside for some sun, fresh air and exercise. I noticed most of the flower buds had bloomed on my violet, but wait, there's more. For a limited time only, there are many more flower buds coming up and I have 4 brand spanking new baby leaves coming out of the center. SO COOL!! I'm so happy. Operators are standing by. What?! Wait! WTF?!
Really, I have got to stop staying up watching late night TV.


  1. Clearly you are an African violet whisperer.

  2. Glad your arm is improving, that's good news. Hopefully the upswing continues. That 1888 picture is quite impressive, not for the amount of snow, but more because back then, didn't some insance person have to sit out in the snow under the black sheet holding the flash bulb for like an hour before the film was exposed long enough? And where are the stern looking bearded dudes that are in all pictures before 1958?
