
Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's Thursday

Ok, I'm back, so some of you, that are my faithful, loving, readers have noticed. Thank you all for the get well wishes. I'm finally able to do some things around here that I haven't been able to do in a long time, like cleaning. But let me tell you something first. I got a $100 gift card from my sweet, wonderful step daughter this Yule. I used the shit out of that card and got myself a bunch of awesome much wanted and needed things. One was the soundtrack for Season I and II of the Vikings TV show. AWESOME STUFF when you play it loud with earphones and sit with your eyes closed. Just FUCKING AWESOME MUSIC!!! I love the TV show and can't wait until Feb 19th. Season III starts on the History Channel. Love it!

I need to calm down now. WHEW! Just breath.

Anywho, I got some Figma Sakura pens and pencils for drawing and doing some of my Zentangles and Mandalas. I also got 2 moleskin traveler sketchbooks for when I'm waiting at the doctor's office and 2 spiraled sketchbooks.

Spunky in lower right, Lucy on the left, and Pebbles(aka Squirt)in the top part of the bed.
Notice all the blankets. They love to make nests. You would think they were birds, jeeze.
The puppies got rawhide bones and toys, of course, as if they needed more toys in this world. David got a nice large orthopedic bed for them, Spunky is getting old and needs it for his tired bones. He seems to sleep a lot better since we got it for them. They share it reasonably well for small dogs. No fights yet, (knock wood).
 This year started off with a bang. I got sick with the flu. Thought I was gonna die. I kid you not. It was bad. Then on top of that the cold, wet, misty weather took its toll on my body. Yes, it was getting to the point that I was knocking myself out with my pain drugs just to ease the pain. But now, this week is starting to clear up for a while, I hope longer. Only thing is, is that winter is still around and will be here for another month or so. It doesn't start warming up into the 60's around here until the end of March.
*heavy sigh* I love my heating pad and drugs. *heavy sigh*


  1. February 19th can't come fast enough, as far as I'm concerned.

    I enjoyed this longer post from you with all your news! Glad you're starting to feel better.

  2. My comment disappeared. Damn it!

  3. I mostly said that I am glad you are feeling better and that you should not be using your extra energy to clean.

  4. I love the Vikings both show and music. I love Ragnar although considerably less after he cheated on his wife. Lockie is by far my favorite! I feel the same way you do about winter. I completely and totally understand the urge to clean after a bad pain period. I know how you can justify it as necessary but you must fight that urge. Filth is not worth the pain it can cause. Now feel free to give me the same speech, since i was doing better and i am back down because of the same old stuff!

  5. Glad you are back and better; good buys; thanks for letting me know when the Vikings come back - looking forward to it.
    the Ol'Buzzard
